Literary Devices
Text Evidence

Describe the literary technique the author uses in this passage from Chapter 4:

“I killed him,” he said slowly. “I killed that boy.”

A. The author uses repetition to emphasize Johnny’s emotions.

B. The author uses alliteration to emphasize Johnny’s sick feeling.

C. The author uses hyperbole to emphasize the importance of Bob’s death.

A. The author uses repetition to emphasize Johnny’s emotions.


When Dally gives the boys guns, money, and directions to Jay Mountain, we can infer all EXCEPT

A. Dally is not concerned about breaking the law.

B. Dally is worried that Darry and Soda will find out.

C. Dally knows how to take control of a situation.

B. Dally is worried that Darry and Soda will find out.


Which statement helps set up the novel’s opening conflict?

A. “Darry would kill me if I got into trouble with the police.”

B. “Anyway, I went on walking home, thinking about the movie, and then suddenly wishing I had some company.”

C. “I could have waited to go to the movies until Darry or Sodapop got off work.”

B. “Anyway, I went on walking home, thinking about the movie, and then suddenly wishing I had some company.”


The author mainly uses the argument at the drive-in between Cherry and Dallas Winston to

A. lead to Cherry’s friendship with Pony and Johnny

B. show the reader that greasers can behave as badly as Socs

C. give Dally a reason to leave the drive-in to find some action

A. lead to Cherry’s friendship with Pony and Johnny


Which evidence from the text best supports Ponyboy’s claim that “If it hadn’t been for the gang, Johnny would never have known what love and affection are” ?

A. “He had a nervous, suspicious look in his eyes, and that beating he got from the Socs didn’t help matters.”

B. “It’s okay, Johnnycake, they’re gone now. It’s okay.”

C. “His father was always beating him up, and his mother ignored him.”

C. “His father was always beating him up, and his mother ignored him.”


At the Dairy Queen, Dally says he is now carrying a “heater,” but “it ain’t loaded.”

Which of Dally’s statements best shows his motive?

A. “I kinda let it slip that y’all were headin’ for Texas.”

B. “Two-Bit got jumped a few days ago.”

C. “It sure does help a bluff.”

C. “It sure does help a bluff.”


How does the author use figurative language in the following passage?

We lay in the tall weeds and damp grass, breathing heavily. The dawn was coming.

It was lighting the sky in the east and a ray of gold touched the hills.

A. Personification is used to emphasize the gold color upon the hills.

B. Metaphor is used to describe the dawn approaching.

C. Hyperbole is used to help us visualize the weeds and grass.

A. Personification is used to emphasize the gold color upon the hills.


When Darry slaps Ponyboy in Chapter 3, how does this incident propel the action of the novel?

A. Darry tells Ponyboy he didn’t mean to hit him, but Pony doesn’t believe him.

B. It causes Ponyboy to run away, and he meets up with Cherry.

C. Ponyboy heads for the park with Johnny, where they encounter the Socs.

C. Ponyboy heads for the park with Johnny, where they encounter the Socs.


Choose the answer that best describes the narrator’s tone in the following passage: “Johnny! What are we gonna do? They put you in the electric chair for killing people! I was shaking. I want a cigarette. I want a cigarette. I want a cigarette.”

A. concerned

B. terrified

C. nervous

B. terrified


Which sentence best supports the idea that Ponyboy’s hair was his “pride” ?

A. “Not too short,” I begged.

B. “Maybe we couldn’t have Corvairs or madras shirts, but we could have hair.”

C. “Our hair was tuff—we didn’t have to use much grease on it.”

B. “Maybe we couldn’t have Corvairs or madras shirts, but we could have hair.”


At the church fire, Ponyboy claims, “Johnny wasn’t behaving at all like his old self.”

What evidence from the text clarifies Ponyboy’s claim?

A. Johnny’s face was red-marked from falling embers

B. When Pony jumped out of the window, he heard Johnny scream.

C. Johnny yelled, “Shut up! We’re goin’ to get you out!”

C. Johnny yelled, “Shut up! We’re goin’ to get you out!”


Read this sentence from Chapter 6: Dally cursed under his breath and nearly tore out the transmission of the T-bird as we roared out of the Dairy Queen. Which words from the sentence best develop a tone of tension?

A. Dally cursed, tore out, roared

B. under his breath, T-bird, roared

C. Dally cursed, under his breath, roared

A. Dally cursed, tore out, roared


Read this passage from Chapter 5: “The mist was what was pretty,” Johnny said. “All gold and silver.” “Uhmmm,” I said, trying to blow a smoke ring. “Too bad it couldn’t stay like that all the time.” “Nothing gold can stay.” I was remembering a poem I read once. The author uses this passage mainly to

A. bring the poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” into the novel’s plot

B. show the reader that Johnny is interested in nature

C. provide a unique metaphor for the novel

A. bring the poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” into the novel’s plot


Ponyboy states, “our front door is always unlocked in case one of the other boys is hacked off at his parents and needs a place to lay over and cool off.” 

From this statement, we can infer that

A. Most people leave their doors unlocked in the neighborhood.

B. Darry is sometimes not as strict as he seems.

C. Darry wants to make Ponyboy and Soda feel comfortable since their parents have died.

B. Darry is sometimes not as strict as he seems.


At the church fire, Ponyboy claims, “Johnny wasn’t behaving at all like his old self.”

What evidence from the text clarifies Ponyboy’s claim?

A. Johnny’s face was red-marked from falling embers

B. When Pony jumped out of the window, he heard Johnny scream.

C. Johnny yelled, “Shut up! We’re goin’ to get you out!”

C. Johnny yelled, “Shut up! We’re goin’ to get you out!”


Randy tells Ponyboy: “Bob was a good guy . . . if his old man had just belted him—just once, he might still be alive.” What do Randy’s words reveal about Bob?

A. Bob needed his dad to monitor his behavior so he would act more appropriately.

B. Bob had a lot of friends and didn’t really mean to drown Ponyboy.

C. Bob was mainly left alone by his parents and he didn’t deserve to die.

A. Bob needed his dad to monitor his behavior so he would act more appropriately.


At the hospital, Ponyboy realizes that Darry is crying when he first sees him.

How is a theme beginning to develop at this point?

A. The author shows us that survival in a gang is difficult.

B. The author shows us that family ties are important to our lives.

C. The author shows us that we all experience heartbreak at some time in our lives.

B. The author shows us that family ties are important to our lives.


 At the start of the big rumble, the author increases the tension

A. by showing the Brumly boys arriving and shaking hands with the greasers

B. with Ponyboy’s description of Darry’s eyes “glittering like ice”

C. with Ponyboy’s description of their gang’s weapons

B. with Ponyboy’s description of Darry’s eyes “glittering like ice”


The newspaper headline “Juvenile Delinquents Turn Heroes” implies each of the following ideas EXCEPT:

A. Pony and Johnny had been perceived as troublemakers.

B. Ponyboy and Johnny had performed an honorable deed.

C. Pony’s hero had been Dally, because he helped him get out of the burning church.

C. Pony’s hero had been Dally, because he helped him get out of the burning church.


What evidence best supports Pony’s claim “the only thing that keeps Darry from being a Soc is us” ?

A. Darry had been on the football team in high school; Darry had been friends with Paul

B. Darry was strict with Pony and Soda; Darry was loyal to his greaser friends

C. Darry was smart enough for college; Darry works to keep the family together

C. Darry was smart enough for college; Darry works to keep the family together


 Which character trait does Johnny display when his mother comes to see him at the hospital?

A. compassionate

B. determined

C. reliable

B. determined


How does the author use a literary device in the following passage: Two-Bit reached into his back pocket for his prize possession. It was a jet-handled switchblade, ten inches long, that would flash open at a mere breath.

A. Hyperbole is used to emphasize an idea.

B. A metaphor is used to make a unique comparison.

C. Foreshadowing is used to give a hint or clue.

A. Hyperbole is used to emphasize an idea.


Johnny’s letter, placed in the book, leads to the resolution of the novel because

A. It causes Pony to want to tell others his story, since Johnny asked him to tell Dally certain things.

B. It causes Pony to now want to write something too, because Johnny had.

C. It causes Pony to remember Johnny and Dally as gallant friends.

A. It causes Pony to want to tell others his story, since Johnny asked him to tell Dally certain things.


 Which words in Johnny’s note most strongly reveal his feelings about dying?

A. “There’s still lots more good in the world. Tell Dally.”

B. “Their lives are worth more than mine, they have more to live for.”

C. “I’m just going to miss you guys.”

B. “Their lives are worth more than mine, they have more to live for.”


Which example best supports Pony’s belief that Dally “died gallant” ?

A. Dally wanted to be dead and he always got what he wanted.

B. Dally loved Johnny more than anything in the world.

C. Dally risked his life for the gang on several occasions.

C. Dally risked his life for the gang on several occasions.