The outsiders #1
The outsiders #2
The outsiders #3
The outsiders #4

Who is this person based on their appearance and personality:

Appearance: stocky six feet tall, with gray eyes and long, reddish sideburns, of which he is most proud. 

Personality: wild, comical, live-for-the-moment type of character. He loves his buddies and would do anything for them, but other than that he doesn't take anything very seriously. Shoplifting, fighting, and picking up girls is all part of his game.

Two-Bit Mathews


This character is the narrator of the story 

Ponyboy Curtis


What one thing do both Ponyboy and Cherry enjoy even if they are on opposite sides of town?

Watch the sun set.


The names of Ponyboy's brothers are

Darry and Sodapop


The major conflict in this story is _____ vs. _____

Socs vs. Greasers


Who is this person based on their appearance and personality:

Appearance:  has light-brown hair and greenish-gray eyes. He has a good build for his size and is a fast runner.  hair is long and dark, but is cut short and bleached blond later in.

Personality: smart, impulsive, and handsome

Ponyboy Curtis


This happened to Ponyboy's parents

they died in a car crash.


Johnny's last words to Ponyboy are

Hint:3rd slide of project slides

 "Stay gold, Ponyboy."


The author of The Outsiders is

S.E Hinton


This is what causes the Socs to attack the boys at the park

Pony and Johnny were with Cherry and Marcia


Who is this person based on their appearance and personality:

Appearance:  He is described as having dark-brown hair like his father but unique, piercing, blue-green eyes with a serious cast to them.

Personality: makes him tense and confrontational, at time authoritarian. But he is loyal and devoted to something

Darrel/Darry Curtis


The point-of-view The Outsiders is written in

 first-person point of view


Dally gives Ponyboy this, which ends up saving his life at the church.

his leather jacket


Why Johnny and Ponyboy go into the fire?

They wanted to rescue the children.  


The book that Pony and Johnny read while hiding out

Gone With the Wind


Who is this person based on their appearance and personality:

Appearance:  silky, dark-gold hair that's combed back and "dancing, reckless" brown eyes. He has a goofy grin that "you can't help but love". He's skinny, and stands at about six feet tall.

Personality: handsome, positive, compassionate, and loyal

Sodapop curtis


Warfare between the Socs and greasers is going on because of this

What is Social Class (those with power & money and those without)

Also acceptable: What is the Socs are jerks. Plain and simple. 


Which character is spoiled by his parents but wishes his parents were strict?



The youngest member of the greasers is



Where Sodapop works

The local gas station (The DX)


Who is this person based on their appearance and personality:

Appearance:  big black eyes in a dark tanned face; his hair was jet-black and heavily greased and combed to the side, but it was so long that it feel in shaggy bangs across his forehead. He always had a nervous, suspicious look in his eye.

Personality: afraid, non-talkative, small, skinny, and child who has been broken emotionally

Johnny Cade


This is the name of the mountain where Ponyboy and Johnny hide out

Jay Mountain


Why was Johnny "scared of his own shadow"?

he was jumped by the Socs and badly beaten.


The name of the town Johnny and Ponyboy run away to



What does "nothing gold can stay" mean?

It means that nothing precious lasts forever - that all good things must come to an end.