Two-Bit's prized possession; gives it to Dally
What is a black-handled switchblade?
Dallas Winston only cared about this person.
Who is Johnny Cade?
Age of S.E. Hinton when she started writing the book
What is 15?
"Stay Gold, Ponyboy. Stay Gold."
Who is Johnny Cade?
This car is a symbol for the kids from the west side.
What is a blue Mustang?
What Cherry did to Dallas in chapter 2
What is threw a Coke in his face?
When he was in the hospital, Johnny would have rather seen the gang than this person
Who is Johnny's mother?
Setting of The Outsiders
What is Tulsa, Oklahoma?
"Greasers will still be greasers and Socs will still be Socs."
Who is Randy Adderson?
Ponyboy and Sodapop are lucky because this prized possession regenerates
What is hair?
The name of the city where Ponyboy and Johnny hid
What is Windrixville?
Ponyboy told Cherry that he could see this from the east side.
What is sunset?
What is the 1960's?
"This house ain't messy. You oughtta see my house."
Who is Two-Bit Mathews?
Johnny bought this for Ponyboy
What is Gone With the Wind?
This made Ponyboy sick; he never wants to eat it again
What is bologna?
This person showed up at the rumble despite Dally slashing his car tires just days before.
Who is Tim Shephard?
What is Susan Eloise?
"Good goin', kid. Curly always said you were a good kid."
Who is Tim Shephard?
Darry says that if they ever make this in chocolate flavor, Ponyboy will have it made.
What is a cigarette?
Author of the poem that Pony recited to Johnny
Who is Robert Frost?
This person told Ponyboy, "You dig okay."
Who is Cherry Valance?
Original title of S.E. Hinton's book before her publisher suggested The Outsiders
What is A Different Sunset?
"There are some people here to see you. Claim to be your brothers or something."
Who is Jerry Wood?