Johnny Cade is described as...
The gang's pet
What rule do the greasers follow besides, "sticking together"?
Don't get caught
What happens to Ponyboy when he gets home after curfew?
Darry gets mad and slaps him/Ponyboy runs away.
What does the quote "Things are rough all over" mean?
Everyone has problems, regardless of their social class or background
"Do something in a very careful or cautious way"
This character goes to the movies and reads during their free time
Ponyboy Curtis
How does Dallas treat the girls at the movies?
Tries to make them feel uncomfortable, saying inappropriate things, and being rude.
What do Ponyboy and Cherry both enjoy doing?
Watching the Sunset
Finish this quote:
"Maybe the two worlds we lived in weren't so different.
"Not possible to be fully understood or explored"
This character had to leave school early to make money.
Sodapop Curtis
How did the attack by the Socs affect Johnny?
Became very jumpy and afraid/carries a weapon (switchblade)
What does Cherry hate?
Who says, "It's not money, it's feeling- you don't feel anything and we feel too violently."
"In a casually calm manner; without showing much interest"
What is Cherry's last name?
Why are Cherry and Marica ok with Ponyboy and Johnny, but not Dally?
They say that Ponyboy and Johnny are "too sweet to hurt anyone".
What was Sodapop doing when Ponyboy came home after curfew?
Finish this quote:
"He liked to show that he didn't care whether there was a _______ or not.”
"Quality of being emotionally distant, reserved, or detached"
This character has more responsibility than anyone his age should.
Darry Curtis
What was the name of Cherry's friend who went with her to the movies?
Why does Two-Bit slap Ponyboy across the head?
Ponyboy lashes out at Johnny, telling him he isn't wanted at home.
Finish this quote.
"There was a whole bunch of them...A blue _____________ full... I got so scared..."
"Clever and deceptive, using sly or tricky methods"