Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

The narrator in The Outsiders

Who is Ponyboy?


The Socs are and stand for

Who are a gang of rich kids and stand for socials?


Two-Bit says "rough" frighting contains

What are blades, chains, pool sticks, and heaters?


Ponyboy and Johnny are in the park when the Socs arrive.  Johnny believes this is why

What is "They're looking for us because we picked up their girls."?


Johnny gets supplies for their stay in the church consisting of items such as

What are baloney, two loaves of bread, matches, peroxide, cards, and a book?


The narrator's physical traits include

What are light-brown, almost-red hair, greenish-gray eyes, and long hair?


Ponyboy is a first-person narrator meaning

What is he uses "I" and tells the story from his point of view?


Cherry is shocked by Ponyboy's story about

What is Johnny getting the snot kicked out of him by a pack of Socs?


The handsome Soc, "BLANK," was killed by Johnny's switchblade

Who is Bob?


Johnny says "BLANK" about never noticing things before

What is "He never noticed the colors of leaves, flowers, and clouds."?


Ponyboy's personal qualities

What are Possible answers:  watches movies, loner, likes books, smart, loves his brother Soda, keeps quiet, good at describing people


Ponyboy's conflicts (fights or arguments) are between himself and

Who is his brother, Darry, and the rival gang, the Socs?


Cherry reassures Ponyboy by saying

What is "Not all Socs are mean."?


Dally says, "Good for you," when he hears Johnny killed the Soc because

What is, Possible answers:  Dally loves Johnny like a kid brother and wants him to start hard and be tough, like him; Dally wants Johnny to be able to take care of himself


When Ponyboy and Johnny are alone at the church, they become more observant, express feelings, and appreciate nature without conforming to their social lives with the gangs.  When Dally shows up, how does it change?

They feel the Dally brings the greaser environment with him, so the boys feel pressured into keeping their feelings to themselves.


Ponyboy says "BLANK" about being accepted by the greasers

What is, "They accept me because I'm Darry and Soda's younger brother and because I keep my mouth shut."?


Ponyboy tells Cherry personal information about himself, including

What are Possible answers:  He's a greaser, Soda is a dropout, or he got put ahead in grade school


Ponyboy's attitude toward the Socs possibly changes due to

What is his conversation with Cherry?


Ponyboy compares Dally to Darry when

When Dally gets mad at Ponyboy for being wet and cold, swears at him, and says he doesn't use his head?

One of Ponyboy's brothers writes him a letter that Dally delivers.  Which brother?

Who is Soda?


Ponyboy mentions the book "BLANK," that he had to read for English class

What is Great Expectations?

After the Socs attack on Johnny, Soda calls him

What is Johnnycake?


Ponyboy mentions the Socs wealth for what reason

What is, he believes they don't have problems because they have money to buy them out?


Ponyboy describes the church they hide is as

What is small, real old and spooky, and spiderwebby?


Cherry is a spy for the greasers because

Possible answers:  She is fair and open-minded; she knows the truth about what happened the night Bob was murdered; she likes Ponyboy and Johnny from their encounter at the movie because they are different than the other greasers.