Chapter 3
Chapter 4
What is reckless?
What is without thinking or caring about the consequences?
What is elite?
What is a select part of a group that is superior to the rest?
What did Cherry say was the main difference between the Socs and the Greasers?
What is the Greasers have a different set of values. She believes that the Greasers are far more emotionally sensitive. She sees the Socs as a group who are generally not emotional because they hide behind cool sophistication?
Describe the park where Pony and Johnny took off to.
What is two blocks square, fountain in the middle, a small swimming pool for the little kids, tall elm trees made it shadowy and dark, and the park was left to lovers and little kids?
What is Cherry's real first and last name?
What is Sherri Valance?
What is sophisticated?
What is having a great deal of worldly experience in fashion or culture?
What is wince?
What is shrinking movement of the body out of pain?
Describe what happens after Ponyboy misses curfew. Be specific.
What is he finds Darry angrily waiting for him. An argument begins which leads to Darry slapping Ponyboy. Ponyboy is shocked, as it is the first time anyone in his family has ever slapped him. This event solidifies the idea that Darry doesn’t care about him, so he storms out and intends to run away?
Why does Johnny react so violently to the Socs?
What is Johnny has been attacked by the Socs in the past. This attack was very violent and left him with many injuries. One of his attackers wore rings which left him with many cuts (Bob). When the Socs attack Pony, he snaps and protects Pony by stabbing Bob?
Who is Sandy?
What is Soda's girlfriend?
What is rueful?
What is expression of sorrow or regret?
What is apprehensive?
What is anxious or fearful?
Why does Johnny like it better when his father is hitting him?
What is at these times that he feels like his father knows he is there. This tells us that Johnny is often ignored by his parents, and Johnny would rather have his father give him any attention, even if it is negative.
Who gave Ponyboy his "bath"?
What is David?
What drive-ins do the Socs and Greasers hang out at?
What is Socs = The Way Out & Rusty's, Greasers = The Dingo & Jay's?
What is gallant?
What is brave or heroic?
What is defiance?
What is bold/disobedience?
How far is the West side of town from the Nightly Double?
What is about 20 minutes?
Who is Buck Merril? Be specific.
What is Dally's rodeo partner, who raised a few quarter horses, and made most of his money on fixed races and a little bootlegging?
Who did Ponyboy wish he looked like in the beginning of the novel?
What is Paul Newman?
What is contempt?
What is when a person or thing is beneath consideration?
What is premonition?
What is a strong feeling that something bad is about to happen?
How does Ponyboy describe Darry to Cherry?
What is "He's not like Soda at all and he sure ain't like me. He's hard as a rock and about as human. He's got eyes exactly like frozen ice. He thinks I'm a pain in the neck..."
What "plan" did Dally tell Pony and Johnny?
What is "Hop the 3-15 freight to Windrixville, there's an old abandoned church on top of Jay Mountain. There's a pump in the back so don't worry about water. Buy a week's supply of food as soon as you get there--this morning, and don't stick your noses out until I get there..."
What kind of dog does Ponyboy want if he ever lives in the country?
What is a yellow cur dog?