Who is...
Character Traits
What is the main emotion Ponyboy is feeling during the first few pages of the book?
What is Lonely
What are the other two brother's names of this story? a. David and Sam b. Darry and Soda c. Darry and Steve d. David and Soda
What is c, Darry and Soda
What character traits are TURE of Ponyboy? a. Lonely b. Intelligent c. True to Himself d. Selfish e. b and d f. a, b, and c
What is f He is lonely, intelligent and true to himself

What is the meaning of "tuff" in this book?

What is cool, sharp or stylish

What are the names are the two main gangs in this story?
Who are the Grasers and Socials
How did Ponyboy's parents pass away?
What is car crash
Who is Steve Randle? a. Their Father b. Soda's best friend c. Darry's best friend d. Ponyboy's brother
What is b, Soda's best friend
What is TRUE about Darry's character traits? a. He's a protector b. He's a father figure c. 6'2, muscular, and handsome d. He's a hard worker e. All of the Above
What is e, All of the Above
What is the meaning of "tough" in this book?
What is rough or manly.
Describe Ponyboy and Darry's relationship.
What is answers will vary, some may include: Darry is hard on Ponyboy because he sees that he has potential to be good and successful. Ponyboy feels he can do nothing right for Darry and that he doesn't love him. Ponyboy hates Darry.
Which three things are TRUE about Pony? a. He has low self-esteem b. He is looking to identify with someone c. He is intelligent d. He is the oldest in his family e. a, b, and c
What is a, b, and c He has low self-esteem, is looking to identify with someone, and is intelligent.
What was Keith's nickname?
What is Two-Bit Mathews
What is TRUE about Soda's character traits? a. He is happy go lucky b. He is sensitive, yet reckless c. He is "high" off of living or life d. He is movie star handsome e. All of the Above
What is e, All of the Above
What does it mean to be "foolish?"
What is showing lack of sense, unwise, or showing a lack of forethought or caution
Desribe Pony and Soda's relationship.
What is answers may vary, but some may include: Soda is very sypathetic and understanding of Ponyboy. He is always there to pick up Pony and to brighten his day. Soda invites Pony everywhere he goes. He is of a motherly nature and takes care of Pony as such. Pony loves Soda and Soda is his favorite brother.
On the way home from a movie, what happens to Ponyboy? DAILY DOUBLE!!! What novel is Ponyboy reading for his English class?
He is followed and jumped by his gang's rival: The Socials. DAILY DOUBLE: Great Expectations
Who was the real leader of the gang?
Who is Dallas Winston (Dally)
What is FALSE about Johnny's home life? a. He has the perfect loving family b. He is always nervous when at home c. His mother does drugs and yells at him constantly d. His dad physically abuses him
What is a His home life is not perfect or loving
What does it mean to have "potential?" DAILY DOUBLE!!! Who shows potential in this story?
What is capable of being or becoming... DAILY DOUBLE: Ponyboy
What is Ponyboy's main inner conflict so far in this novel?
What is choosing whether to follow the behaviors and beliefs of the gang, or following those of his own. Going after his own POTENTIAL!
Who saves Pony from the event that took place on his walk home from the movies?
Who is Darry
What is the name of Soda's girlfriend?
Who is Sandy
What is TRUE about Dallas, the leader of the Greasers? a. He has a hatred for the world b. He used to live in New York c. He is the wise cracker of the gang d. The police station has a huge file on him e. a, b, and d
What is e He has hatred for the world, used to live in New York, and the police station has a file on him
What is a "gang?"
What is a group of youngsters or adolescents who associate closely, often exclusively, for social reasons, especially such a group engaging in delinquent behavior.
Why do you think Ponyboy thinks Darry doesn't love him? Explain in detail!
Answers will vary **Teacher determines points awarded**