Events of the Present
Ancient History

What type of group do Cherry and Marcia belong to? Hint: It is not the Greasers

The Soc's (The Socials), the west side, the rich kids


The chapter takes place at a place called "The Nightly Double." What was this place?

A drive-in movie theater

The Greasers found Johnny's denim jacket with rust colored stains on his collar. What are these stains?
Blood stains

"Leave her alone Dally." "You heard me, leave her alone." Which character was standing up to Dally by saying this?



What is the first thing Mr. Hill asks you to do whenever you get any paper?

Write your name


Which character that we focus on this chapter is known for hating rules and actively trying to break laws?

Dallas (Dally) Winston


What is one of the things Dally does to annoy Cherry and Marcia?

Says dirty things, keeps talking to them, put his feet up on their chair, did not leave them alone


What caused the large cut on Johnny's face? DAILY DOUBLE: Where on Johnny's face is the cut?

The rings that one of the Soc's was wearing. From his temple or forehead to his cheekbone


"Cherry looked at [Johnny], sizing him up as she had me. Then she smiled softly, and I knew she had sized him up right." Based on her reaction, what did Cherry think of Johnny after sizing him up?

Answers may vary. He was not dangerous, he was nice, etc.


Last year, Mr. Hill visited two different countries. What was one of these countries?

Greece or Italy


Dally brought Marcia and Cherry two cokes. One of them threw the coke in his face. The other drank it because she didn't see the need to waste free coke. Which girl DRANK the soda?



What did Dally do to deserve making Tim Sheppard want to fight him? 

Dally slashed his tires


Why was it so surprising and scary that Johnny was crying after getting jumped by the Soc's?

He is often beat by his father but never cries. The group had never seen him cry.

"...For once his comical grin was gone and his dancing grey eyes were stormy." was describing a character who was furious when Johnny was beat. Who was this character?

Two-Bit (Keith) Mathews


What are the bonus points that don't mean anything that Mr. Hill likes to give out called?

Brownie points


Cherry Valence is named "Cherry" because of her red hair. What is her real name? Hint: It rhymes

Sherri Valence


What reason does Marcia give Ponyboy and Johnny to sit with them during the movie?

To protect them


Since getting jumped, what does Johnny always carry with him in his back pocket?

A six inch switchblade


" Man, your brother is a doll. I might have guessed you were brothers-you look alike." This is what Cherry said to Ponyboy while talking about Sodapop. What is Cherry doing to Ponyboy in this scene?

Flirting with him

Mr. Hill has two cats. What is the name of either one of them. DAILY DOUBLE: What is the one-eyed cat named off of?

OB and Summer. Summer is named after the Marvel character Cyclops


What is the nickname that the Greasers, mostly Two-Bit, has for Johnny? Hint: It is his name and then another word



Which of the boys did Marcia hit it off with?

Two-Bit (Keith) Mathews


Dally looks sick after finding Johnny beat and almost dead on the ground. Why does this surprise Ponyboy?

Dally grew up in the gangs of New York and details how he did things way worse than this

"Man, I thought, if I had worries like that I'd consider myself lucky. I know better now." is an example of what kind of literary device?



What is Mr. Hill's favorite band? DAILY DOUBLE: Name any song by this band

Twenty One Pilots