He is Ponyboy's older brother who works hard to support their family?
Who do the boys meet at the drive in?
Cherry and Marcia
Which character convinced Cherry and Marcia to let them walk them home?
Who says, "I lie to myself all of the time. But I never believe me."
This appearance/style represents the identity of a Greaser and their belonging to their social group.
Greasy Hair
What activity does Ponyboy enjoy in his free time?
Going to the movies or reading
Who are Cherry and Marcia's boyfriends?
What was the name of the horse Sodapop loved?
Mickey Mouse
"Things are rough all over."
This represent the idea that even though there are differences, everyone can appreciate the same things in life
The Sunset
Who does Ponyboy describe as the "gang's pet"?
What was the car that was at the scene when Johnny got jumped?
Blue Mustang
What do Ponyboy and Cherry both enjoy doing?
Watching the Sunset
Who says, "Cause I'm dumb. The only things I was passing any way were auto mechanics and gym."
Clothing that shows the Socs are richer
Blue Mustang
Who is the gang memeber known for being the toughest?
Who is Tim Shephard looking for and why?
Dally, because he slashed their tires.
Why does Two-Bit slap Ponyboy on the side of the head?
Ponyboy told Johnny he isn't wanted at home and you can't blame them.
Who says, "It's not money, it's feeling- you don't feel anything and we feel too violently."
This object represents violence and power. This shows the harsh realities of life for the greasers and their need to defend themselves.
What secret does Sodapop share with Ponyboy at the end of the chapter?
He thinks he is going to marry Sandy
What is Cherry's real name?
What happens to Ponyboy when he gets home after curfew.
Darry gets mad and slaps him.
" I could fall in love with Dallas Winston,"
"I hope I never see him again, or I will."
This place represents a temporary escape from relaity for Ponyboy and Johnny. It represents their need for normalcy in their difficult lives.
The drive in movie.