Characters & Plot
Background & Plot
Literary Devices

Narrator & protagonist of the Outsiders (1st person POV), not super talkative, smart, likes to watch movies & read. His parents died. Has two brothers. 

Who is-Ponyboy


Cheerleader, Soc, pretty, red hair, stands up for herself, gets along with Ponyboy

Who is-Cherry


What is the setting (time/place) of the book?

What is-Oklahoma, 1960s


What is a flashback? 

What is-a scene in a movie or novel that refers back to the past (set in a time earlier than the main story) 


What does outsider mean?

a person who feels they do not belong to a particular group


Neglected by his family, beaten & traumatized by the Socs attack, everyone in the Greaser gang loves him (he is like the gang "pet"). Ponyboy & Dally are very close to him. 

Who is-Johnny


Serious, plays the role of "parent/guardian" to his two younger brothers, works really hard. Ponyboy does not always get along with him. 

Who is-Darry


What is the setting of chapter 2?

What is-drive-in theater. This is where Ponyboy meets Cherry and Marcia, who are not in a car because their boyfriends left them there (the boyfriends got drunk)


What is foreshadowing?

What is-Giving hints about what will happen in the future


What is unfathomable?

incapable of being fully understood


Rough and tough, used to live in New York, has gone to jail, gets in trouble with the law a lot

Who is-Dally


Who is Mickey Mouse

Who is-The name of Sodapop's "horse"


True or False? The Outsiders was inspired by the real life social situation and rival gangs at S.E. Hinton’s high school

What is-TRUE!


What is one major theme we have discussed so far in The Outsiders?

What is-self-identity vs. group identity


What is asset?

 a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality


High school drop-out, always gets along with everyone, happy, works at the local gas station, very handsome. Ponyboy is very close to him.

Who is-Sodapop


Who are the Socs? 

Who is-West Side wealthy kids who jump the greasers for no apparent reason


Why didn't the publishers of The Outsiders want the author Susan Eloise Hinton to publish her full name on the book? (instead, she wrote S.E. Hinton)

What is-The publishers of The Outsiders were concerned that early male critics may dismiss a book written by a woman that included male characters and rough content, so S.E. Hinton didn’t publish her full name. 

The Outsiders is a coming-of-age novel. What does this mean? 

What is-A story or novel in which young people are developing their own values. It usually includes dynamic character/s who grows, matures, or changes throughout the story


What is nonchalant

feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm


Wisecracker of the gang, makes funny remarks, always smiling, laughing, and making jokes


Describe the greasers (at least 3 descriptions or adjectives)
Who is-The greasers are East Side gang of young teenagers who come from a low socio-economic class. They grease their hair, steal, and are loyal to one another/watch out for one another

"Things are rough all over" 

Who said this? And what did they mean by it? 

Who is-Cherry. She meant that everyone has problems, including the Socs


What is an allusion? Name one allusion that the author referenced in Chapters 1-3 so far

What is-An indirect reference to a famous person, quote, thing outside of the writing. 

The reference to Pip in Great Expectations (Ponyboy relates to this famous character) OR The reference to the Cheshire Cat in Alice & Wonderland (to describe Two-Bit always smiling & joking, which is also a simile) 


What is incredulous?

What is-unwilling or unable to believe something, disbelieving