Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Which character has a horse named Mickey Mouse?
Sodapop Curtis
What happens to Ponyboy on his way home from the movies?
He is jumped by the Socials.
How do the boys get into the Nightly Double? Why do they choose to get in that way?
They sneak in over the back fence. They have the money, but they like to break the law.
Why do Ponyboy and Johnny run away?
They run away because Darry slapped Ponyboy and nobody in the family had ever done that before.
As used in the book, what is the meaning of "rarities"?
something rare, unusual, or uncommon
Which character is good with cars?
Steve Randle
What happened to the parents of the Curtis brothers?
They were killed in a car accident.
How do Cherry and Marcia respond to the insults from Dally at the movies?
They stand up to him and tell him to stop. Cherry throws her coke in his face to "cool him off".
Why doesn't Darry call the police when Ponyboy doesn't arrive home until 2:00 a.m.?
Darry doesn't call the police because he doesn't want the family to get split up and Ponyboy and Johnny to be thrown into a boys' home.
As used in the book, what is the meaning of "cunning"?
shrewd; clever; sly
Which character played football?
Why does Ponyboy like to go to the movies alone?
He appreciates movies and the acting, unlike the rest of his Greaser gang.
Why are the girls okay with Johnny and Pony, but not Dally?
Johnny and Pony treat them with respect and Johnny tells Dally to stop being disrespectful to the girls.
Explain this quote by Cherry- "...if I see you in the hall at school or someplace and don't say hi, well, it's not personal..."
Cherry wants Ponyboy to know that if she doesn't say hi to him at school it is because they are in different social classes and it is unacceptable, not because she doesn't like him.
As used in the book, what is the meaning of "nonchalantly"?
unconcerned, casual
According to Ponyboy, what is different about Dally from the rest of the Greasers?
Ponyboy thinks that Dally is tougher..."tougher, colder, meaner..." (Page 10)
Who is the narrator of The Outsiders?
Ponyboy Curtis
What does Two-Bit do that scares Johnny and Pony? Why is this especially frightening for Johnny?
Two-Bit pretends to be a scary Soc and spooks the boys. Johnny is especially scared because he has been badly beaten by the Socs before.
What does Cherry tell Ponyboy about the Socs and their problems?
Cherry told Ponyboy that "...things are rough all over..." and that Socials have problems too, just like the Greasers.
As used in the book, what is the meaning of "unfathomable"?
impossible to understand; incomprehensible
How did Two-Bit get his nickname? What is his real name?
He always needs to comment on everything with his "two-bits". His real name is Keith.
Why does Darry work so hard?
He is trying to keep his family together since the death of his parents and run the household.
What rule do the Greasers follow, besides "stick together"?
Their other rule is "Don't Get Caught".
Explain the reference to watching the sunset. How is this symbolic of the relationship between Ponyboy and Cherry.
Even though they are from different parts of town and different social classes, Cherry and Ponyboy each watch the same sunset, showing that they have something in common and aren't all that different.
As used in the book, what is the meaning of "incredulous"?
not inclined to believe, skeptical