The Greasers
The Socs
Literary Devices
Key Details

This character comes from an abusive/neglectful home 

Who is Johnny Cade


This character owns a blue mustang, is Cherry's boyfriend and beat up Johnny badly with his rings

Who is Bob


Where the story takes place ( time, location)

What is setting


As a result of being late for curfew....

Ponyboy runs away after being hit by Darry, runs into the Socs, almost drowns and Johnny kills Bob to save him


This is the character who has the responsibility of being a father in Ponyboy's home

Who is Darry


The Greasers identity is very important to them. This is considered a big part of their identity. 

What is their hair?


This character has short , dark hair and is also at the movie theater with her best friend.

Who is Marcia


Author's message about the world/ life lesson of the story

What is theme


Why does Ponyboy believe that Dally does not love him

He yells at him a lot, is never satisfied, hits Ponyboy for being late for curfew, has to work to take care of him


Which brother in the Greasers tries to help keep the peace and help everyone get along? 

Who is Sodapop?


This happened to Ponyboy's parents 

What is they died in a car crash


This is what the name Socs is short for

What is the Socials


A problem or disagreement

What is conflict


These characters save children from dying in a burning church

Who is Johnny, Ponyboy and Dally


There is a conversation between Ponyboy and Two Bit in chapter 3 that goes like this: When Ponyboy says that he thinks that Darry "can't stand him", Two Bit replies, "No, Ponyboy, that ain't got it wrong..." What does Two-Bit's reaction indicate? 

That what Ponyboy thinks isn't true. 


This character is the narrator and the main character of the story

Who is Ponyboy


This character is Bob's best friend, has short curls and wears a Madras jacket

Who is Randy


This literary device gives a better understanding of the character's behavior based on a prior event.

What is flashback?


Pick ONE of the following characters and explain their personality and what makes them different from their group:

1) Ponyboy

2) Johnny

3) Cherry

Ponyboy: Likes to read, watch movies, is smart, doesn't like violence, doesn't think it's fair that Greaser have all the 'rough breaks"

Johnny: Sensitive/ scared, doesn't like violence, Kills Bob but wants to turn self in, wants to be accepted and loved by his parents.

Cherry: Doesn't like violence, thinks some greasers are good or more than their reputation, becomes a spy, could fall in love with Dally


This is the name of Soda's horse

Who is Mickey Mouse


Describe 3 character traits of Dally:

Any of the following:

1) dangerous, NY gang fights

2) criminal ( steals alot)

3) Arrested at 10, constantly in jail

4) Only cares about Ponyboy


This character believes that money isnt what makes the Socs and Greasers different, it's that the Greasers are very passionate and the Socs do not care

Who is Cherry


This is the literary device being used in this quote:  "He would kill the next person who jumped him. Nobody was ever going to beat him like that again."

What is foreshadowing


These are the four things that Dally offers Ponyboy and Johnny after the murder

What are a gun, money, a plan, and dry clothes


These are three things that Two-Bit is known for

What are his sense of humor, his switchblade, and shoplifting


This is the weapon that Johnny used to kill Bob the Soc

What is a switchblade


This character is killed by Johnny when he tries to drown Ponyboy

Who is Bob


This literary device is considered the 'turning point' of a story

What is climax


These  4 characteristics describe the appearance of a typical 'greaser'

What is: 

1) Long hair

2) Leather jacket

3) blue jeans

4) Tennis shoes or boots


What is a common theme found in The Outsiders. Explain using details from the story. 

One of these is acceptable:

1) Family is everything/ stick together

2) Violence is not the answer

3) Rich or poor, everyone has problems.