Quotes & Themes
Literary Elements

This character is stabbed and murdered by Johnny.

Who is Bob?


Cherry tells Ponyboy, "Things are rough all over." What does she  mean by this?

Answer responses will vary but will be similar to the point that the Socs have their own struggles and problems just like the Greasers do.


What is the climax of the novel?

What is the church fire?


What conditions do Johnny and Dally sustain after the church fire? 

Dally burns his arm and Johnny gets 3rd degree burns and a broken back.


What is a big part of a Greaser's identity and pride? 

Their hair.

This character dropped out of high school to work at a gas station.

Who is Sodapop?


Why does Johnny tell Ponyboy to "stay gold"?

Answers will vary.  Possible response: Keep your innocence; don't grow up too quick.


What is an internal conflict that Darry struggles with? 

Taking care of his 2 brothers and having to take on the role of being a parent.


What does Ponyboy have to do to get his English grade to a C?

Write a semester theme.

Bonus +100: Who are the 3 boys he writes about in his semester theme?


What is the symbolic meaning behind the "sunset"?

The Socs and Greasers are more equal and alike than they think.


This character is described as being "the pet" of the gang.

Who is Johnny?


Randy tells Ponyboy, “Bob was a good guy…if his old man had just belted him—just once, he might still be alive." What do Randy's words help us learn about what Bob wanted?

Bob just wanted someone to tell him 'No!'


What literary element is used in the following quote: “If he lived…If? Please, no, I thought.  Please not ‘if’."

Bonus +100: What does this mean?


 It means Johnny might die.


What are the 3 stages of grief that Ponyboy goes through after Johnny dies? List them in order!

Denial, Depression and Acceptance


What is the symbolic meaning behind Mickey Mouse? Give an example from the book.

Mickey Mouse symbolizes innocence and youth, which Sodapop lost when his horse was taken away from him.


This character used to live in NY City and was arrested at the age of 10 years old.

Who is Dallas Winston (Dally)?


We discussed the theme of Brotherhood in "The Outsiders".  Give an example of when that theme is brought up in the story.

Answers will vary.


What is the ending of the novel called?

Bonus +100: What is the last sentence in the novel?

Full-Circle Ending.

"When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home..."


What is the main difference between Tim Shepard's gang versus Ponyboy and the guys?

Tim's gang is organized and has a leader.  Ponyboy's is just a bunch of buddies who stick togther.


What is the meaning behind "Nothing gold can stay"?

It means that nothing precious lasts forever - that all good things must come to an end. OR/AND Enjoy the little things in life because those moments are important.


What is the name of the character that comes to visit Ponyboy at his house and makes him so upset that he begins thinking that he killed Bob, not Johnny?

Who is Randy?


We discussed the theme of innocence.  Give an example from the novel of when this theme is used.

Answers will vary.


What are the 2 inciting forces in the novel?

What is the Greaser vs. Socs rivalry?

What is the incident where Johnny stabs Bob, the Soc?


What does Ponyboy decide to write about and why is this significant to the story?

He writes about the rivalry between the Socs and Greasers.  It's significant because he wants people to stop judging each other for their looks and where they come from. (theme of social classes)


What was the literary term that we used to describe the meaning behind the switchblade? What are 2 things it symbolizes?

Oxymoron: the switchblade is 2 things in one, protection and harm