Questions 1
Questions 2
Questions 3
1. The main idea of a story
What is 1. Plot
Why does Darry reprimand (get on to) Ponyboy for going to the movies alone?
What is: Ponyboy gets jumped by the Socs and there wasn't anyone with him to protect him at first.
Oldest of the Curtis brothers; works very hard to support his family; his parents died in a car wreck; he forfeited a college football scholarship in order to take care of his two younger brothers; the oldest of the Greasers
Who is Darry
Why does Ponyboy enjoy going to the movies alone?
What is he's the only person who can sit through a movie! Everyone else either gets bored or can't sit through it.
What are Johnny's dying words to Ponyboy?
What is "Stay Gold, Ponyboy."
2. The subject of a story 3. Repetition of a consonant sound
What is 2. Theme 3. Alliteration
The spy from the Socs for the Greasers?
Who is Cherry Vallance
Hardest and meanest; shows softer side through the novel; has a great deal of anger; does not have a good relationship with his family; locked up for the first time at the age of 10; cut up Tim Shepherds tires; takes care of Ponyboy and Johnny when they go on the run
Who is Dally
Why do the Greasers envy the Soc's money and social advantage?
What is they have the money to throw parties and go around jumping people and they don't have any responsibilities as opposed to the Greasers who have to work.
When does Ponyboy first realize Darry loves him?
What is when he is at the hospital.
4. Where and when a story takes place 5. A comparison using "like" or "as" 6. When an object in a story holds a deeper meaning or stands for/represents something else
What is 4. Setting 5. Simile 6. Symbolism
Why does Sodapop not drink alcohol?
What is he gets drunk on life alone.
The main character and narrator; youngest of the Curtis brothers; fights with his older brother a lot; does well in school; very smart; best friend is Johnny; has greenish gray eyes and wishes he looked like his brother Soda Pop; is young at the beginning of the novel but grows up through the events
Who is Pony Boy Curtis
Why does Sodapop drop out of school?
What is he thinks he is dumb and doesn't get good grades.
According to Randy, what was it that Bob really wanted his parents to do?
What is to say "no".
7. An extreme exaggeration 8. Extra Info Not Needed 9. Concludes the paragraph and sums it up 10. Tells us what the paragraph will be about and begins the paragraph
What is 7. Hyperbole 8. Extraneous Detail 9. Conclusion Sentence 10. Topic Sentence
Why does Johnny kill Bob?
What is Bob and Randy had jumped Johnny and Ponyboy and they were drowning Ponyboy.
The "kid brother" of the Greasers; looks like a puppy dog who has been beat up on too many times; Mom and Dad are mean to him; best friend of Pony Boy; idolizes Dally; first to die out of the Greasers in the novel
Who is Johnny
Is Ponyboy good at his school work before the murder?
What is YES!!!
Why is Sodapop miserable at the end of the novel?
What is he is caught between his brothers.
11. A warning or indication of a future event 12. Arguing from the opposing point of view 13. A comparison NOT using "like" or "as" 14. These support or back up the topic sentence 15. Leads from one idea to another; Examples: "First", "Next", "Last"
What is 11. Foreshadowing 12. Counterargument 13. Metaphor 14. Supporting Sentences 15. Transitions
What is Ponyboy's favorite subject in school? What does Ponyboy's ___________ teacher offer him when he begins to fail the class? Why does Ponyboy resist cutting off his hair even though he knows it will be a good disguise?
What is English/Language Arts. He allows Ponyboy to write an essay/story. Ponyboy resists cutting off his hair because it is his pride.
1. He is funny, laid back, will say just about anything, will go to bat for the Greasers but doesn't get riled up much 2. Best friend of Sodapop; works with Soda at a gas station; he and Ponyboy don't get along. 3. Middle of the Curtis brothers; looks like a movie star; is idolized by his younger brother Ponyboy; works at a gas station; dropped out of High School because he felt he was "dumb"; becomes very upset at the end of the novel.
Who is: 1. Two Bit 2. Steve 3. Sodapop
What does Johnny compare Dally to? Dally is afraid jail will do what to Johnny? What does Johnny carry with him after he is brutally beaten by the Socs? What was happening when Dally was shot down by the police?
What is What is a southern gentleman and he is afraid jail will make Johnny hard. A six inch switchblade. Dally had pulled an unloaded gun on the police.
Why is there warfare between the Greasers and the Socs? What is the headline in the newspaper the morning after Ponyboy first returns home? What does Ponyboy realize even before the rumble between the Greasers and the Socs?
What is the Socs go around picking fights because they have nothing else better to do. They have a lot of money and throw parties for the heck of it. The Greasers have to work and be responsible. The headline is "Juvenile Delinquents Turned Heroes" and Ponyboy realizes that the Greaser will still be Greasers, the Socs will still be Socs, nothing will change with or without the rumble.