Literary Devices
Literary Terms
Johnny and Pony mention "Gone with the Wind." Pony reads "Great Expectations." Eden in the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay"
What is allusion?
Pony’s purpose for writing the story
What is so kids like Johnny and Dally have their stories told. And Pony is the right person to tell the story because of his experience as a greaser who has struggled with accepting his greaser side.
Johnny, Pony, and Dally meet them at the drive-in theater.
Who are Cherry and Marcia?
Pony threatens the Socs with a broken bottle, then cleans up the pieces so no one can get a flat tire. This event is an example of ______________ (literary device).
What is irony?
What is when the opposite of what is expected happens?
Early in the story Pony says he was wrong when he thought things would get better. Johnny carries a switchblade. Dally talks about carrying a gun for a bluff. Pony worries about whether the church will catch fire if they are not careful with their cigarettes.
What is foreshadowing?
Pony’s epiphany about Darry
What is that Darry cares about him but is so afraid of losing another person that he loves?
Pony's original thoughts about what Darry thinks about him?
What is as a burden and another mouth to feed?
Johnny's letter contains the following pieces of information.
What are: Saving the kids was worth it. Dally should look at a sunset. There is good in the world.
The part of the story after the climax which leads to the conclusions.
What is falling action?
Tuff, heater, cooler, dig, weed
What are examples of vernacular?
“Juvenile Delinquents Turn Heroes”
What is the newspaper headline after the fire?
Reason Darry is so tough on Pony?
What is because Darry wants Pony to make something of his life?
Explain the reason for the tie in the race back to the house at the end of the book.
What is the boys are a family that sticks together through their problems.
Define vernacular.
What is the plain variety of language in everyday use by ordinary people, which often includes slang words?
Soda is like a Greek god and Johnny is like a lost, abused puppy
What is simile?
Drives a “tuff” blue Mustang?
Who is Randy?
Pony receives two letters in the story from ...
Who are Soda and Johnny?
"'You can't win, even if you whip us. You'll still be where you were before -- at the bottom. And we'll still be the lucky ones with all the breaks" (Hinton 117). Said by and about ...
Who is Randy, speaking to Pony about how the rumble will not change the lives of the Socs and the greasers
Define imagery.
What is the use of descriptive language to create a picture in the reader's mind?
"The clouds changed from gray to pink and the mist was touched with gold” (Hinton 77).
What is imagery?
A main difference between Sodapop and Darry
What is that Sodapop is happy-go-lucky, while Darry is hard and cold?
The real and most important difference between Socs and Greasers.
What is that the greasers are so emotional and feel everything while the Socs are cold and feel nothing.
The reason Sandy and Soda break up.
What is Sandy moves to Florida because she is pregnant?
The literary device that matches this explanation. The part of the story where the plot turns. It is a decisive, important movement in the story. After this point, the conflict must move toward a resolution.
What is climax?