Who is narrator of The Outsiders?
Who is Ponyboy and what sets him apart from the rest of the gang? (Think in terms of his interests)
Ponyboy Curtis -The novel’s fourteen-year-old narrator and protagonist, and the youngest of the greasers. Ponyboy’s literary interests and academic accomplishments set him apart from the rest of his gang
Blue Mustangs, rings, Madras shirts
Represents the Socs' wealth and power
The Greasers walk everywhere they go. What does that symbolize?
They can't afford cars, unlike the Socs.
Define reluctant
What is a Greaser?
The greasers live on the East Side Poor, "JDs" "troublemakers" Fun Fact: The name "greaser" came from their greased-back hairstyle
Who is Sodapop Curtis and (where does he work?)
Sodapop Curtis: The middle Curtis brother, 16 years old, a high school dropout who works at a gas station. pg 9
"Things are rough all over"
Meaning that life isn't hard for just the Greasers.
Why do you think that Gone With The Wind appears in The Outsiders? Note: Gone with the wind is about the U.S. Civil War.
A civil war is a huge fight between members of the same country or group. This is what's going on with the Greasers and the Socs. They're all residents of the same city.
"I was trying to find the meaning the poet had in mind, but it eluded me." - page 78
Failed to be remembered or understood; escaped from memory
Who are the Socs?
The Socs were the rich kids. They lived on the West Side. The Socs were always getting drunk and looking for fights with Greasers. They run the town
Who is Darry and what is his responsibilities? Why?
"Darry" Curtis: The oldest of the Curtis brothers, 20 years old, has been caring for his brothers since their parents died in a car crash.
Greaser Hair
The greasers cannot afford rings, cars, or other physical trappings of power that the Socs enjoy. Consequently, they must resort to more affordable markers of identity. This sets them apart
Why do you think the author included the burning church with children trapped inside?
To show the readers Johnny and Ponyboy's true colors.
"You just keeled over from smoke inhalation and a little shock..."
To fall or faint
What does it mean to stereotype someone?
To believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same.
Who is Johnny and how is his home life?
Johnny: Ponyboy's best friend, 16 years old, lives with his alcoholic and abusive mother and father.
What happens between Ponyboy and Darry after Ponyboy falls asleep in the park? What does this symbolize in Ponyboy's view?
Darry hits Ponyboy, and this symbolizes the idea that Darry doesn't like him.
Make an educated inference about the major themes of the novel.
There are many: Overcoming hardships Fitting in Doing the right thing Friendship
"He'd grab one guy's press hat and another's camera and walk around interviewing the nurse and mimicking TV reporters..." pg 100
To copy or imitate
What is the first conflict that happens in the novel?
When Ponyboy was walking home from the movies and got jumped by the socs. Pg 6
What is the name of Sodapop's horse?
Mickey Mouse
What drastic change do Ponyboy and Johnny make to their appearance? Why was this so hard for them to do?
They had to cut his hair. His hair represents his identity. It defines him as a Greaser.
DOUBLE IT UP! This involves writing on the board: What did Cherry serve as a "spy" for the Greasers?
"She said she felt like the whole mess was her fault" pg 86 Also Remember: they met at the drive-in and became friends. If this wouldn't have happened, Bob and Randy wouldn't have been seeking revenge in the first place.
"Two Bit was aghast..." pg 112
Struck with fear