Character Descriptions
Chapters 1-4
Chapters 5-8
Random Questions
Chapters 9-12
Describe Ponyboy Curtis. (no physical descriptions)
High IQ, likes to read and watch movies, greenish-gray eyes, 14 years old, and has longer hair.
What are the two main groups in this story?
Greasers and the Socs
How did Johnny and Ponyboy disguise themselves? Why did this upset Ponyboy?
They decided to cut and die their hair. This upsets Ponyboy because his hair is what labels him a Greaser and he's proud of it.
What does the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" mean?
Nothing good can last forever; all good things come to an end
What did Johnny mean when he told Ponyboy to "stay gold"?
He meant for Ponyboy to stay good forever. (referring to the poem)
Describe Sodapop Curtis. (no physical descriptions)
Movie start handsome, slim, works at the DX (gas station), and dropped out of school.
Where was Ponyboy when the book began?
At the movie theatre.
Why did Johnny and Ponyboy go back into the burning church?
They went back into the church because they thought they started the fire.
What does it mean to be "tuff"?
Tuff means cool
What causes Darry and Ponyboy's relationship to change for the better?
Sodapop shows how much their fighting is hurting him and how he wants them to stick together since all they have is each other.
This character is always yelling at Ponyboy, is muscular, and had to grow up too fast.
describe Darry (no physical descriptions)
Why does Ponyboy have a hard time with his older brother Darry?
Darry is hard on Ponyboy because he wants the best for him. He expects a lot out of him and wants him to reach his full potential.
Why did Sandy move to Florida with her grandmother?
Because she got pregnant and had the option of marrying Soda or moving to Florida.
Why are the girls at the Drive-In without a car?
Because they left their boyfriends who were drinking.
What happened to Ponyboy in the rumble?
A soc kicked him in the head which gave him a head wound and a concussion.
This person is the gangs pet.
describe Johnny Cade (no physical descriptions)
What is Two-bit Matthews is famous for?
His black handled switchblade.
Why did Johnny not want to see his mother when he was in the hospital?
Because she never showed that she cared about him before and he realized that the gang is his real family.
What is important about the greasers' hair?
The gang's hair is what labels them Greasers and separates them from everyone else. It is their identity.
How did Dally react to Johnny's death? Why?
Dally did not want to live anymore without Johnny, so he robbed a store and pulled out a gun when the cops chased him. He did this because Johnny was the only person he ever loved and all he had.
This person is the toughest hood in the greasers. He used to run with gangs in New York. He takes pride in his criminal record and is protective of Johnny.
describe Dally Winston (no physical descriptions)
Why do Ponyboy and Dally turn to Dally for help? How does he help them?
They turn to him because they think he will know what to do in this situation. He gives them a place to go, a gun, and warm clothes.
Why doesn't Randy the Soc want to fight in the rumble?
Because he realizes that he already lost a good friend in Bob and that the violence will not solve or change anything.
Why was Johnny considered the only person Dally ever loved??
Dallas was like a protective older brother to Johnny and they were like family since neither of them had good home lives.
Why was Sodapop so upset about Sandy?
It wasn't his baby that she was pregnant with and she sent his letter back unopened.