Pronoun Antecedent: 

What is the correct way to write the underlined part of this sentence?

The people on the field trip to the Metro Richmond Zoo had to take his own clothes.




D)Leave as is.


C) their 


Context Clues:

Johnny didn't say anything. But he stared at the dashboard with such hurt ________ that I could have bawled. [He was so confused about his life].

A) rivalry

B) pride

C) rebellious

D) bewilderment

D) bewilderment



Cars in The Outsiders are a symbol (an object that represents one or more ideas). Which ideas does the author want the reader to think about when cars appear in the story? Choose three.

A) money

B) teenagers

C) social status (class)

D) power

A) money, C) social status (class), D) power


Research Based Question:

When researching for information on The Outsiders, what would be the most reliable source of information?

A) database

B) webpage

C) Google

D) thesaurus

A) database


Subject Verb Agreement:

Which verb should replace the underlined verb to show subject-verb agreement?

The soccer players, along with the coaches, dislikes the referee for the game.

A) has disliked

B) is disliking

C) has been disliking

D) dislike

D) dislike


Figurative Language:

"Soda attracts girls like honey attracts flies."

This is an example of:

A) onomatopoeia

B) simile

C) allusion

D) imagery

B) simile


Subject Verb Agreement:

Read the sentence from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Which word correctly replaces the underlined verb?

At first the passengers was much frightened, but Captain Anderson calmed them.

A) am

B) are

C) were

D) is

C) were


Context Clues:

Buck glared at me for a second, then stumbled off. He was pretty well crocked, which made me _______ [about being around him].

A) convinced

B) gallant

C) contempt

D) apprehensive

D) apprehensive


Point of View:

Which of the following proves that Ponyboy is the first person narrator?

A) "'Hey, grease,' one said in an over-friendly voice. 'We're gonna do you a favor, greaser. We're gonna cut all that long greasy hair off.'"

B) "I just stared at the hole in the toe of my tennis shoe. Me and Darry just didn't dig each other. I never could please him."

C) "Soda tries to understand, at least, which is more than Darry does. But then, Soda is different from anybody; he understands everything, almost."

D) "He had quite a reputation. They have a file on him down at the police station. He had been arrested, he got drunk, he rode in rodeos, lied, cheated, stole, rolled drunks, jumped small kids--- he did everything."

B) "I just stared at the hole in the toe of my tennis shoe. Me and Darry just didn't dig each other. I never could please him."


Context Clues: 

"Man, this place is out of it. What do they do for kicks around here, play checkers?" Dally _______ the scene without interest."

A) surveyed

B) suspicious

C) defeated

D) bewilderment

A) surveyed



Which of the following statements is NOT a conflict in the novel?

A) Soda vs. Sandy

B) Dally vs. the law

C) Steve vs. Soda

D) Bob vs. Johnny

C) Steve vs. Soda


Figurative Language:

Choose the simile that best describes Ponyboy.

A) Ponyboy is a dreamer. He has goals.

B) Ponyboy is like a daydreamer. He doesn't think about consequences.

C) Ponyboy is a Greaser. He belongs to an east side gang.

D) Ponyboy is as mean as a Soc. He wants to hurt people.

B) Ponyboy is like a daydreamer. He doesn't think about consequences.


Subject Verb Agreement:

Which word correctly completes this sentence?

Neither the child nor the parent _____ how to beat the new game. 

A) knowed

B) knows

C) knowing

D) no

B) knows 


Pronoun Antecedent:

Which change should be made to this sentence?

The snowboarder flew through the air, flapping its arms quickly as he flipped.

A) change through to threw

B) change its to his 

C) change as to like

D) change flipped to flipping

B) change its to his 


Context Clues:

He wasn't scared either. That was the only time when I saw him without that ___________, suspicious look in his eyes, [that showed he couldn't possibly win].

A) hesitation

B) disguised

C) defeated

D) convinced

C) defeated



What is the climax of The Outsiders?

A) Ponyboy walks out of the movie house with two things on his mind; Paul Newman and a ride home.

B) Johnny dies after the rumble.

C) Darry slaps Ponyboy.

D) Johnny leaves Ponyboy a letter in Great Expectations.

B) Johnny dies after the rumble.


Figurative Language:

"Dallas had a record with the fuzz a mile long."

What literary device is found in this passage?

A) alliteration

B) rhyme

C) simile

D) hyperbole

D) hyperbole



The Outsiders is set in...

A) Arkansas in the 1960s.

B) Oklahoma in the 1960s.

C) Kansas in the 1950s.

D) Iowa in the 1960s.

B) Oklahoma in the 1960s.


Context Clues:

What is the best context clue to help you determine the meaning of the underlined word?

"He had an elfish face, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin, small, sharp animal teeth, and ears like a lynx."

A) elfish

B) small, sharp animal teeth, and ears

C) He had

D) like a

B) small, sharp animal teeth, and ears



Which piece of textual evidence supports the following theme found in The Outsiders?

Don't judge people based on how they look.

A) We look hoody and they look decent. It could be just the other way around--- half of the hoods I know are pretty decent guys underneath all that grease, and from what I've heard, a lot of Socs are just cold-blooded mean--- but people usually go by looks."

B) "I looked at Johnny. He didn't look like any farm boy to me. He still reminded me of a lost puppy who had been kicked too often, but for the first time I saw him as a stranger might see him. He looked hard and tough, because of his black T-shirt and his blue jeans and jacket, and because his hair was heavily greased and so long."

C) I'd never combed it to the side like that. It just didn't look like me .It made me look younger, and scareder, too. Boy howdy, I thought, this really makes me look tuff. I look like a blasted pansy. I was miserable."

D) "It was the first time I could see that he had eyebrows. He didn't look like Johnny. His forehead was whiter where his bangs had been; it would have been funny if we hadn't been so scared. He was still shivering with cold. 'I guess,' he said weakly, 'I guess we're disguised.'"

A) We look hoody and they look decent. It could be just the other way around--- half of the hoods I know are pretty decent guys underneath all that grease, and from what I've heard, a lot of Socs are just cold-blooded mean--- but people usually go by looks."


Context Clues:

I guess that guy knew how close to ______ I really was, for he talked to me in a low soothing voice all the way to the hospital.

A) acquire

B) hysterics

C) sympathetic

D) incredulous

B) hysterics


Pronoun Antecedent: 

The Denominator is a roller coaster known for _____ incredible height.

Which word correctly completes the sentence?

A) its

B) their

C) our

D) his

A) its


Figurative Language:

"And the ground rushed up to meet me very suddenly."

What literary device is found in this passage?

A) personification

B) simile

C) metaphor

D) idiom

A) personification



Ponyboy's realization that the Soc's and Greaser's both have problems even from opposite sides of town communicates what major theme of the novel?

A) People should take time to enjoy things.

B) Starting a new gang that everyone can join would be better.

C) Nothing good ever lasts.

D) Regardless of social status, people are not that different. 

D) Regardless of social status, people are not that different.


Research Based Question:

Julie is looking for recipes for peanut butter cookies. Which would be the BEST source when looking for information on published recipes?

A) an almanac

B) a cookbook

C) a recipe for macaroni and cheese

D) a show on the Food Network

B) a cookbook