Literary Terms
Characters Cont.
Important Quotes
A reference to another work of literature, movie, or item of popular culture within a novel.
What is Allusion?
First name is Keith. Caries a black handled switch blade.
Who is Two-Bit?
Happy-go-lucky. In love with Sandy. Works at the DX gas station.
Who is Sodapop Curtis
"Dally was so real he scared me."
What is Ponyboy's way of saying that Dally wasn't like the romantic characters in his books. He is afraid of Dally because he is not innocent and dreamy like Ponyboy is.
Darry's real first name.
What is Darrel?
The device used to tell the story of Johnny's mugging. Ponyboy's first hand account that happened in the past.
What is Flashback?
Works 2 jobs. Was a star football player.
Who is Darry Curtis?
Bob's girlfriend. Enjoys watching sunsets.
Who is Cherry Valance.
"Greasers will still be greasers and Socs will still be Socs. Sometimes I think it’s the ones in the middle that are really the lucky stiffs."
What is that Ponyboy realizes that the people at the top and the bottom all have problems, but the people in the middle get by without getting involved. He is also referencing the permanence of their situations. He will always be a greaser, Randy will always be a Soc.
The boy's breakfast of choice.
What is chocolate cake?
An event or symbol that hints of something to come.
What is foreshadowing?
Works with Dally at the horse races. Dally is sleeping at his home after the drive in.
Who is Buck Merrill?
Has black hair and dark eyes. Murders Bob. Saves the school children in the church fire. Tells Ponyboy to stay gold.
Who is Johnny Cade?
"We couldn’t get along without him. We needed Johnny as much as he needed the gang. And for the same reason."
What is Johnny needs the gang to feel like a family and for protection. The Gang needs Johnny to feel that they are doing something good. Existing for more than just rumbles a and being hoods (especially Dally).
The name of Sodapops horse.
What is Mickey Mouse?
What Ponyboy has to write. A concept/ idea that ties texts together.
What is theme?
The Soc. who has a blue Mustang and wears Rings. Cherry's boyfriend.
Who is Bob?
The Soc. that testifies on Johnny and Ponyboy's behalf at the trial. Visits Pony while he is sick and thinks fighting is useless.
Who is Randy?
"It’s okay… We aren’t in the same class. Just don’t forget that some of us watch the sunset too."
What is Even though the greasers and the socials come from two different worlds they have similar dreams and are faced with similar problems.
Where the boys are hiding after the murder.
What is in Windrixville.
When an icon represents and idea or concept.
What is symbolism?
Tow-Headed. Helps Johnny and Ponyboy find a place to stay after the murder. A true hood.
Who is Dally Winston?
Lives with his brothers after his parents die in a car accident. Loves everything chocolate.
Who is Ponyboy Curtis?
"Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold."
What is Johnny, on his deathbed, sees all of the things wrong with the way the gang has been living. He recognizes in Ponyboy a difference and wants to make sure he holds on to his innocence, his dreamer brain, and make something more of himself.
The car Dally takes to pick up the boys at the church.
What is a T- Bird (that belongs to Buck Merrill)?