What does the author of The Outsiders go by?
Answer: The author of The Outsiders went by S.E. Hinton.
Who are the Greasers? (Hint: think social wise)
Answer: They are the poor kids who live on the East side with greasy hair.
What is the relationship between Ponyboy and Soda?
Answer: Ponyboy loves Soda. He thinks Soda understands him better than Darry does.
What is the conflict between the Greasers and the Socs?
Answer: It's poor kids versus rich kids.
What did Ponyboy mean when he said "When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home.?" (Hint: focus on the Paul Newman part)
Answer: Ponyboy was thinking of Paul Newman because he looks tough and Ponyboy doesn't.
Where does S.E. Hinton live?
Answer: She lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Who are the Socs? (Hint: think social wise)
Answer: They are the rich, spoiled kids who live on the West side and wear fancy clothes.
What is the relationship between Darry and Ponyboy?
Answer: Ponyboy describes Darry as being as hard as ice. Ponyboy thinks Darry doesn't care about him and just sees him as another mouth to feed.
What is the conflict between Dally and Johnny?
Answer: Johnny is always trying to get Dally's approval and Dally has trouble showing his emotions for Johnny.
What did Cherry mean when she said "I could fall in love with Dallas Winston,?"
Answer: Cherry likes bad boys like Bob and she was afraid she would fall in love with Dally.
When did S.E. Hinton start writing The Outsiders?
Answer: She started writing The Outsiders when she was 15 but really started working on it at age 16.
What is the Socs favorite thing to do?
Answer: They like to jump Greasers.
What is the relationship between Cherry and Ponyboy?
Answer: Cherry takes a liking to Ponyboy when they were at the drive-in. They even relate how the sunset on the West side is similar to the East side.
Explain the conflict between Johnny and his parents.
Answer: His parents didn't care about Johnny. His dad was drunk and Johnny's mother was abusive. Most nights Johnny slept in the lot.
What did Ponyboy mean when he said "Dally didn't die gallantly.?"
Answer: He meant that Dally didn't die with bravery or honor. He died lonely.
Why does the author use her initials S.E.?
Answer: The author goes by her initials for two reasons. One, back when she wrote the book nobody would of given a book written by a girl a chance. Two, it kept her public life and private life seperate.
Who is in the Greasers gang? (Hint: there were 7 people)
Answer: In the Greasers gang there was Ponyboy, Darry, Soda, Dally, Johnny, Two-Bit, and Steve.
What is Dally's relationship to Johnny?
Answer: Dally sees Johnny as a little brother and the Greasers pet. Johnny is also the only thing Dally loves.
What is the conflict between Darry and Ponyboy?
Answer: Ponyboy and Darry see things from a different point of view. And this makes things hard for both of them.
What did Johnny mean by the quote "Stay gold Ponyboy.?"
Answer: He meant that he wanted Ponyboy to stay innocent, stay pure.
What does S.E. Hinton stand for?
Answer: S.E. stands for Susan Eloise Hinton.
What do you think most Socs parents were like?
Answer: Based off what the Socs are able to do (throw beer blasts, get bailed out of jail, and jump Greasers) I would say most of the parents don't care what their children do.
What is the relationship between Randy and Ponyboy?
Answer: Randy and Ponyboy feel like they understand each other. They both know fighting between the gangs is pointless and fighting at the rumble won't help anything.
Explain the conflict between Randy and the rumble. (Hint: how did he feel about it?)
Answer: Randy thought that fighting was useless. He said no matter who wins, the Socs will still be on top and the Greasers the bottom. He also said he wasn't going to fight.
What did Cherry mean when she said "Things are rough all over.?"
Answer: She meant that Greasers, Socs it doesn't matter. Both groups have their own problems.