Quotations are my Favorite: Who, When, Why?
Literary Elements: Symbolism and Characterization
Big Ideas: Stereotyping and The Outsiders

"It seemed funny to me that the sunset she saw from her patio and the one I saw from the back steps was the same one. Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren't so different. We saw the same sunset."


2. Early in the story, after Pony meets Cherry and she says, "Things are rough all over."

3.He considers that despite the stereotypes that divide them, that maybe the greasers and socs were more alike than they realized. 

What is significance of Bob's Rings in The Outsiders?

Bob's rings were associated with violence as they were what put Johnny in such a bad spot the time he was jumped. They represent the power of money and how Bob, being a soc, had access to this power and used it to discriminate against Johnny.


Who is best defined as skittish in The Outsiders - why?

Johnny - he behaves like a kicked puppy always afraid of the next abuse.


Identify if this is a complete sentence, fragment, run-on or comma splice:

Whenever I get tired of watching Netflix on the weekends or after school.

Fragment -

...I watch HBO.


What is a stereotype?

a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.


"You'd better wise up, Pony... you get tough like me and you don't get hurt. You look out for yourself and nothin' can touch you..."

1. Dally

2. While in the car with Pony after the fire, following the ambulance.

3. He blames himself for protecting Johnny as he did because he thinks that if he had let him toughen up, he wouldn't have been in this situation.

Explain the symbolism of Dally's leather jacket in The Outsiders.

Dally's jacket represents protection. He offers it to Ponyboy after he is almost drowned in the fountain. It later protects him from terrible injury in the fire. One could also argue it is a "hoodlum's jacket" and represents the criminal identity of greasers like Dally - the identity Ponyboy wears when he runs away from the crime. The jacket is too big on him, just like the identity doesn't fit Pony.


Which two words have more in common? Define and Explain.

Irreverent and vulgar


Cocky and Industrious.

Irreverent and Vulgar are synonyms. One means rude and the other means offensive.

(Cocky means arrogrant and Industrious means hard-working.)


Identify if this is a complete sentence, fragment, run-on or comma splice:

You are an asset to our team, it's easier when you're around.

Comma Splice.

insert ; or .


What is a bonus stereotype? Give an example of one.

A positive stereotype.

Asians are great math students.


"I had it then. Soda fought for fun, Steve for hatred, Darry for pride, and Two-Bit for conformity. Why do I fight? I thought, and couldn't think of any real good reason. There isn't any real good reason for fighting except self-defense."


Before the rumble.

This quote characterizes how Pony doesn't really fit the greaser stereotype of being violent and aggressive. He is different, more thoughtful and reflective. He stands out as peaceful and innocent.


Who does this characterize and how? (Indirect or Direct): "We gotta get outa here. Get somewhere. Run away. The police'll be here soon.[...] We'll need money. And maybe a gun. And a plan."

This quote characterizes: Johnny.

It is said right after he kills Bob. It's indirect.

It shows another side of Johnny - a confident one where he becomes the leader, unlike usual and takes care of Pony who is in shock.


Identify 3 qualities from our vocabulary list that define Dally and explain why.

Possible answers: Cocky, Vulgar, Irreverent, Condescending


Explain 4 ways to fix a run-on sentence.

-add a period between 2 independent clauses.

-add a ; between 2 independent clauses.

- add a comma and FANBOYS

-make an independent clause dependent by adding a subordinating conjunction.


Identify the traits that define the stereotypical greaser and the traits that identify the stereotypical soc.

Greaser: Violent, Criminal, Threat to society, Poor, uneducated, dangerous, thugs, emotional

Socs: Upper-class snobs, condescending, hold beer blasts, unemotional, cold, spoiled


"There should be some help, someone should tell them before it was too late.  Someone sould tell their side of the story, and maybe people would understand then and wouldn't be so quick to judge..."


The last chapter when he's about to write the story of his life.

This is Pony's A HA moment - he realizes his problems aren't unique. That the way stereotypes and walls go up between classes and people get seen as "outsiders" without really being understood is a problem that might be solved by courageously telling one's story - and maybe people would see through the superficial stuff.


Who does this characterize and how?

"Darry yells too much and tries too hard and takes everything too serious."

This characterizes Darry (it's said by Soda).

It's direct as it's "telling us" how Darry is (according to Soda). He yells, he tries too hard and takes things too seriously.


Write a sentence using this word: Garrulous

Answers will vary.

Garrulous = chatty


Sentence or fragment?

Get the door!

Sentence. Commands don't have subjects in English.


What is stereotype threat? How is it dangerous?

the risk of confirming negative stereotypes about an individual's racial, ethnic, gender, or cultural group.

It can result in reduced performance or negative behavior that matches the stereotype.


"Nature's first green is gold/her hardest hue to hold."

1. Robert Frost

2. One early morning (Dawn) when Pony and Johnny watched the sunrise, Pony recited it.

3. It sets the foundation for one of the major themes in the story that urges people to not lose sight of what is beautiful even when it's easy to let life take away your hope and belief in your goodness - stay gold.


Who does this characterize and how?

"[ ] busted off the end of a bottle and held onto the neck, and tossed away [..] cigarette. 'You get back into the car or you'll get split. I mean it. I've had about all I can take from you guys." 

Pony says this and it characterizes him indirectly.

He is becoming unfeeling and even violent - as if he were the stereotype he worked on not representing.It shows how he is changed by the loss of his good friends. 


Pony says "Johnny died gallant" - what does gallant mean? 



Identify the independent clause and the dependent clause in the following sentence. Then explain how you knew this.

While I was doing the dishes, a mouse jumped into the sink. 


a mouse jumped into ... independent

The dependent clause relies on the independent clause to make complete sense. It also begins with a subordinating conjunction. 


Explain how the concept of "self-fulfilling prophecy" can explain the relationship the Socs and Greasers have with one another.

The idea of self-fulfilling prophecy is that we become what we think we or what others are and the negative stereotyping feeds off each other.

The Socs did not like the greasers believing they were hoodlums. So, they  treated them as "bad guys" and the greasers receiving their treatment believe that they were bad and acted accordingly thus affirming the Socs belief about them.