The number of sons, the father in the story had.
What is "two"?
The widow asked this man to avenge her of her enemy/adversary.
Who is the "Judge"?
This happened to the man on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho.
What is "robbed"?
He's the bird that snatches away the seed sown in the along the path (of your heart).
What is the "evil one /devil"?
Jesus said to forgive this many times.
What is "Seventy times seven"?
The younger son took his inheritance, left home, lost everything and ended up in a field, feeding this animal.
What is a "swine (or Pig)"?
This man was ________, he did not fear God or man.
What is "Unjust/unrighteous/evil"?
This man took pity on the wounded man and paid for his expense at the inn.
Who is "the Samaritan"?
Trials cause these seeds to lasts a short time because they fell on _______ and have no roots.
What is "rocky ground"?
The servant owed his Master this amount of talents.
What is "10,000"?
He came to his senses, returned home and asked to be one of his father's _________.
What is a "hired servant"?
He didn't listen at first but finally avenged her because of her _______ coming.
What is "continual / persistent"?
These two passed by the other side when they saw the wounded man.
Who is "the priest" and "the Levite"
These seeds fell among thorns and were unfruitful because they were choked by this.
What is "Wealth/Worries"?
His fellow servant owed him this amount of coins?
What is "100"?
His father forgave him and threw him _______ .
What is "a party"?
Another word for adversary?
What is an "enemy/foe/rival"?
Jesus told this parable because a lawyer asked how he could inherit __________ ?
What is a "eternal life"?
This seed produced abundant fruit/crop because it fell on this.
What is a "good ground"?
The Master delivered him to the torturers because he did not have ________ on his fellow servant.
What is Mercy/Compassion"?
This brother was angry and would not go in, so the father came out to plead with him.
Who is " the older (brother)"?
When the son of man comes will he find _______ on earth?
What is "faith"?
The Lawyer answered, the one who shewed mercy to the man was his ___________.
What is a "Neighbor"?
The seeds that yielded 100, 60 & 30 folds, refer to someone who _______& _______ the Word.
What is "hears & understands"?
Jesus said if we do not forgive from _______, our Heavenly Father will deliver us to the torturers.
What is "the heart"?