Last Supper Narratives
Passion Narratives
Prophetic Fulfillment

This prefigures Jesus's death and blood poured out for us upon the Cross.

What is the bread (body) and cup of the New Covenant?


The presence of Mary at the foot of the Cross and Jesus's order to take her as our mother is only found in this Gospel.

What is the Gospel of John?


Jesus died for YOU out of ________ .

What is LOVE?


This Old Testament sacrificial animal is a prefigured of Christ and His sacrifice. (Need BOTH an Adjective and a Noun in your answer.)



Jesus did not come to abolish this but to fulfill it.

What is LAW? (This is the Holy Law of God.)


This Gospel is the only Gospel that talks of a foot washing at the Last Supper.

What is the Gospel of John?


In this Gospel, the author put himself in Gethsemane as the naked young man who fled the garden upon Judas's arrival.

Who is MARK?


Jesus died for YOUR _________ .

What is SINS?


This Old Testament sacrifice of an only begotten son prefigures the Sacrifice of Christ on Calvery.

What is the Sacrifice of Isaac?


This major Old Testament Prophet writes many prophetic messages about the Suffering Servant.

Who is Isaiah?


This Gospel is the only Gospel that does NOT have the Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper.

What is the Gospel of JOHN? (See John 6 - Bread of Life discourse instead)


This Gospel is the only Gospel to call Gethsemane "the Mount of Olives."

What is the Gospel of Luke?

YOU gain this from Christ's Passion.

What is Eternal Salvation? ("Redemption" is also an acceptable answer.)


Moses's brother and all of his priestly descendants prefigured Christ, the ultimate High Priest.

Who is AARON?


This tore at the moment of Christ's death and symbolizes that the Old Covenant was transfigured by the New Covenant in Christ that is opened to the whole world (not just the Jewish people).


TRUE OR FALSE: Judas left the Last Supper before the institution of and receiving the Eucharist. 

(Don't answer in the form of a question).

FALSE: He left AFTER the institution and reception of the Eucharist.

(Further explanation available if needed.)


This Gospel includes the washing of Pilate’s hands, the dream of Pilate’s wife, and the resurrection of the saints after the death of Christ, with the earthquake and the rending of the tombs. 

What is the Gospel of Matthew?


Where YOU are able to participate in Christ's sacrifice on Calvery.

What is THE MASS?


This tribe of Israel (one of the 12) took over the line of priesthood from Moses's brother.

Who is LEVI? (Levitical priesthood)


This chapter and verse from Genesis is the first prophecy of Jesus's passion, death, and resurrection.

What is Genesis 3:15?

"I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”


The Greek word anamnesis means to actively enter into a memorial (to make something truly present). It is weakly translated into this English word.

What is "Remembrance"?

("Do this in remembrance of me.")


This Gospel records the statement of Pilate that he found no cause in Jesus, the examination before Herod, the angel who came to strengthen Jesus in his agony, and the drops of blood that mingled with the sweat.. 

What is the Gospel of Luke?


Because of Jesus's redemptive sacrifice, YOU are given a share of these 3 offices/titles of Christ (through our Baptism and Confirmation).

What is "prophet, priest, and king"?


This Old Testament king and priest of Salem is a prefigure of Jesus, especially when he offered God a sacrifice of bread and wine for Abraham.

Who is Melchizedek?


This Old Testament book holds the prophecy "They divide my garments among them, and for my vestiture they cast lots."

What is the Book of Psalms? (22:18)