Who showed Jesus to the people and said “Behold the man.”?
How long had Lazarus been dead when Jesus brought him back to life?
Four days
Who was the first to see the resurrected Jesus?
Mary Magdalene
Jesus was in the vicinity of what town when He ascended to heaven?
What does the Bible say about the exact day and hour of the Lord's return?
No one knows the exact day or hour
What happened to the temple curtain at the moment of Jesus' death?
It was torn in two from top to bottom
How long had Jesus been dead when He came back to life?
Three days
Which disciple would not believe Jesus had resurrected until he touched his hands and side?
How many days from Jesus' resurrection until His assension into heaven?
40 days
At Jesus' return what will happen to the dead in Christ?
They will be caught up and meet the Lord in the air.
Who changed during the process of Jesus' death
The thief on the cross
Who was the first disciple to enter the empty tomb?
What food did Jesus eat in the disciple's presence to prove he was not a ghost?
As Jesus ascended into heaven He sat down where?
At the right hand of God
What will signal the return of Christ?
The seventh trumpet.
What is the day of Jesus crucifixion known as?
Good Friday
Who rolled the stone from the entrance of the tomb?
An angel (with a violent earthquake)
How many people saw the resurrected Jesus?
More than 500
Before His ascension into heaven Jesus told his disciples to go to remain in Jerusalem and wait for what?
The Holy Spirit
How will Jesus return?
Jesus will descend from heaven on a cloud
Why were guards placed Infront of Jesus' tomb?
To prevent the disciples from stealing Jesus body and claiming he had risen from the dead
Resurrection Sunday is also known by what other name?
To which of these disciples did Jesus appear on the way to Emmaus?
To which of these disciples did Jesus appear on the way to Emmaus?
The great commission
What is one thing Jesus will do at his second coming?
He will judge the living and the dead, establish His kingdom on earth, usher in a period of peace (the Millennium) and defeat evil.