A moral lesson can be drawn from the events of this kind of story.
What is a parable?
Kino’s livelihood is made from...
What is pearl diving and fishing?
Kino’s most valuable possession is this.
What is his canoe?
The “Song of the Family” and the “Song of Evil,” which are in Kino’s thoughts are... (a)real songs he often sings (b) poems he has composed; (c) personal moods and feelings not expressed in words; (d) religious songs of his people
What is (c) personal moods and feelings not expressed in words?
The doctor refuses to treat Coyotito because of this.
What is Kino & Juana (Coyotito’s parents) have no money?
With the money Kino expects to get from the pearl, he hopes to (a) support his parents; (b) send Coyotito to school; (c) buy a new canoe; (d) learn to read and write.
What is (b) send Coyotito to school?
Specifically, the turning point of the novel involves which of the following? (a) A death by stabbing; (b) A house burning; (c) A family quarrel; (d) A flight.
What is (a) a death by stabbing?
Juana attempts to throw the pearl into the ocean because she wishes to (a) teach Kino a lesson; (b) protect her community; (c) honor the gods; (d) protect her family.
What is (d) protect her family?
Kino and Juana take flight (leave town) in order to (a) get money to pay the doctor; (b) find a doctor who can cure Coyotito; (c) find an honest pearl buyer; (d) protect their community.
What is (c) find an honest pearl buyer?
Kino and his family live (a) in a city, (b) next door to the doctor, (c) near the beach, (d) in the jungle.
What is (c) near the beach?
This is what Steinbeck means when he says that the town is infected with poison? (a) Each person is infected with greed; (b) Everyone is hoping to find a great pearl; (c) The poison refers to hatred; (d) the townspeople are infected with superstition.
What is (a) each person is infected with greed?
Right after the scorpion bite, Juana puts her lips down over the puncture and sucks hard and spits and sucks again while Coyotito screams, to do this.
What is to draw out the poison before it can get into the blood stream?
The first time Kino kills someone, the weapon is a (a) rifle, (b) shotgun, (c) harpoon, and (d) knife.
What is (d) a knife?
Kino is able to get supplies after his house burned (a) from his brother, (b) from his sister, (c) by stealing, (d) on credit—because people knew he still had the pearl.
What is from his brother?
(True or False) Kino strips off his clothes when going to kill the trackers so he will not be seen by them in the bright moonlight.
What is True?
When the doctor says “I am a doctor, not a veterinary,” (a) he shows anger at having been called to treat an insect bite, (b) he shows just anger at the town’s ignorance, (c) he shows his great sympathy for those genuinely sick and down-trodden, (d) he shows that he thinks of the natives as if they were animals.
What is (d) he shows that he thinks of the natives as if they were animals?
When the trackers hear a murmuring cry in the distance at night, they suppose it to be (a) Coyotito, (b) an annoying owl, (c) a coyote mother and her litter, (d) a sign that they are about to meet success in their search.
What is (c) a coyote mother and her litter?
At the end of the story, Kino (a) sold the pearl, (b) threw the pearl back into the sea, (c) gave the pearl to his brother, (d) swallowed the pearl and died.
What is (b) threw the pearl back into the sea?
Which of the following statements in NOT true about the pearl? (a) It was the biggest pearl ever seen by most of the people, (b) It was so big that the pearl buyers knew it was not of much value, (c) It makes Kino abandon the things which are truly important to man and makes him try to buy human dignity, (d) it would give Kino and his family their only chance to break out of their ways and attain a decent status.
What is (b) the pearl was so big that the pearl buyers knew it was not of much value?
The doctor knows where Kino’s pearl was buried because (a) Kino’s brother unconsciously gave away the secret, (b) the doctor knows the ways of the peasants, (c) the doctor’s servant had seen a few specks of dirt loose on the cottage floor, (d) the doctor had seen Kino’s eyes flick over the spot when the two men had been talking of the danger of theft of the pearl.
What is (d) the doctor had seen Kino’s eyes flick over the spot when the two men had been talking of the danger of theft of the pearl?
Essentially, Steinbeck has Kino and Juana return to La Paz in order to (a) start a new life; (b) perform a symbolic act; (c) surrender to the authorities; (d) bury their son properly.
What is (d) bury their son properly?
(True or False) Since Kino and Juana had been married in the church of the village, the priest was confident that their discovery of the pearl would help produce certain repairs necessary to his church.
What is False?
When Kino, lying in bed, seems to hear the morning waves on the beach singing soft and clear the” Song of the Family”, the meaning is that Kino (a) dislikes having to earn his living in a boat, (b) is not fully sane, (c) feels that it is good for his family to earn their living by working closely with nature in the sea, (d) knows that his people had once been “great makers of songs.”
What is (c) feels that it is good for his family to earn their living by working closely with nature in the sea?
When the author says that Kino saw in the pearl evil faces and frantic eyes, the author is telling the reader dramatically (a) that the experiences of the chase have driven Kino quite insane, (b) that Kino now sees the evil of having the pearl, (c) that the story has actually been a dream, (d) that Kino is now dead.
What is (b) that Kino now sees the evil of having the pearl?
When the pearl buyer sees the size and beauty of Kino’s pearl, he shows his surprise by doing this.
What is dropping the coin he had so skillfully been toying with in his fingers?