Choosing Friends
Handling Disagreements
Electronic Communication
Group Conversations

What is a good way to start a conversation with someone new?

Give a compliment or ask a question about something they like.


What is one sign of a good friend?

They are kind and include you in activities.


What is a “cool” response to teasing?

Ignore it or respond with a casual, confident remark.


What is an example of an appropriate text to send a new friend?

A short, friendly message like “Hey, great seeing you today!”


What is the first thing to do before joining a group conversation?

Observe to see what they’re talking about.


Why is it important to ask follow-up questions in a conversation?

It shows interest and keeps the conversation going.


What should you do if a friend often makes you feel bad about yourself?

Talk to them about it or consider finding new friends.


What should you NOT do when someone teases you?

Get upset or react emotionally.


Why should you avoid texting too much or too little?

Too much can annoy someone, and too little might make them think you’re not interested.


How do you know if a group is open to new people joining?

They make eye contact and leave space in the circle.


What is an example of a bad conversation starter?

A personal question or a topic the person dislikes.


Why is it important to have shared interests with friends?

It gives you things to talk about and do together.


If two of your friends are arguing, what is a good way to help?

Stay neutral and don’t take sides.


What should you do if someone doesn’t reply to your message?

Wait a day or two and try again later with a different topic.


What is one way to smoothly enter a group conversation?

Make a comment that relates to what they are talking about.


What should you do if someone gives a short answer and doesn’t ask you anything in return?

Try a different topic or find someone else to talk to.


What is one way to know if someone is a true friend?

They support you and treat you with respect, even when no one is watching.


How can you respond if a friend does something that bothers you?

Use an “I” statement, like “I feel upset when you do that.”


What is an example of something you should not post on social media?

Personal information or something mean about someone else.


If you join a conversation and no one responds, what should you do?

Try again or find another group.


What are two key strategies for keeping a balanced conversation?

Take turns speaking and ask follow-up questions.


What should you do if a friend pressures you to do something you’re uncomfortable with?

Say no, explain your feelings, and set boundaries.


What is one way to avoid getting into arguments over text messages?

Avoid texting when upset and talk in person instead.


Why is it important to use emojis carefully in texting?

Too many can seem overwhelming, and some can be misunderstood.


How can you leave a conversation without making it awkward?

Say something like, “I have to go, but it was great talking to you!”