In what country is today's mission video?
Where did God tell Moses to send his men?
Where is the Key Passage Verse found?
Romans 8:28
A picture is worth a thousand _____.
What is the name of the missionary family in today's video?
The White Family
How many men were chosen by Moses to go ahead of everyone else?
12 men
What is the Big Picture Question?
Why should we obey God?
The early bird catches the ____.
Finish the quote: "Guatemala is known for it's Mayan _______."
How many days did the 12 men stay in the land?
40 days
What is the answer to the Big Picture Question?
We should obey God because He made us, He loves us, and His plans are good.
Hit the nail on the ____.
What is the official language in Guatemala?
Which two men warned the people not to rebel against the Lord? These men were also the only ones promised into the promised land.
Joshua and Caleb
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it _____.
How many different Mayan people groups are in Guatemala?
Where did the glory of the Lord appear when God spoke?
The tent of meeting
Recite Romans 8:28
We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.
Every cloud has a silver ______.
What do Joshua and Caleb have in common with Christians?
All believe God's words are true.