What does Puerto Rico mean
What is Rich Port
What is there National animal
What is the Common Coqui
What is the name of Natives
What is Taino's
What were the name's of there homes
What is Bohios
What did they all died from
What is small pox, chicken pox and measles(GET your shot or die like they did)
there immune systems were not ready
What does there flag look like
What is three red stripes, and a blue star
What is the name of the National dish
What is Arroz con Gandubs
What happened in the Four voyages
What is they went to american four different time
What is the name of there Ceremonial center
What is Bateys
What did the Tanio's do against the 1511 Puerto Ricans
What is they reverted/ fought back
Who is the Governor of Puerto Rico
Who is Wanda Vazquez Garced
Do Puerto Ricans have the same rights as Americans
What is yes( you all shout know that)
they do not have the right to vote for the president
What year Christopher Columbus returns to La Navidad colony,
What is 1493
What does Petroglyphs mean
What is writing on stone's (once someone died)
What Hurricane came through and flatted Puerto Rico in 2017 and caused 94.4 billion dollars in damage
What is Hurricane Maria(We got a lot of Rain)
What is Puerto Rico considered
What is a U.S territory
Puerto Rico belonged to this country before the U.S
What is Spain
What does Polytheistic mean
What is to worship many goods
What is modern day Puerto Rico called
What is San Juan Bautista
What made Puerto Rico a territory
What is the Spanish American war
What is the size of Puerto Rico
What is the size of Connecticut
What is San Juan Bautista
What is modern day Puerto Rico
What does Nitaino mean
What is Warrior's and holy men
Who was the first Governor of Puerto Rico
Who was Juan Ponce de Leon
When did the Spanish American War start
What is 1898 this war was very short