Customer Service
Office Systems

If a client is going for 2 minutes on Bodyweight AirSquats and doesn't have any weights, what should we do to increase the intensity?

Add squeezes and holds at point of most resistance and shorten the ROM to the hardest point of the exercise.

Terry wants to put her package on hold because she's going to be on vacation for 2 weeks. How do you respond?

You let her know that her sessions are going to stay in her account and she can absolutely use them when she returns! No need to go on hold :)

You go to update a client's appointment status to Purple. However, it gives you a message "This workout is incomplete. Please give a reason for changing this workout to complete without a workout recorded."

Investigate as to why the workout card isn't complete. Complete the workout card. If it isn't complete, submit a request.


When are 5 Opportune times to ask for a referral?

In the intro, at the client's 3rd workout, during moments of magic (client met a goal or milestone), when the client mentions anyone in their life, after a positive check-in survey or positive feedback


What are the 3 Primary Colors?

Red, Blue, Yellow


What should be the warmup for a SuperSlow workout?

The first several repetitions of each exercise serves as the warmup for that exercise


What are the aspects of The High Five for delivering World Class Customer Service?

A. Physical Appearance

B. Proactive Customer Service

C. The hello-goodbye

D. Immediate Service Recovery

E. Positive Language – good lexicon


How do you update that a client has used a bonus session so it deducts from their pool of bonus sessions?

After completing and marking the appointment purple FROM the workout in the Workout Page, you select the box that says "Use a bonus session for this session"


A client from in studio reaches out to you because they haven't been training all last year due to the events. How do you get them scheduled?

Find a time that works for them, put them in as a Demo session and alert the trainer via email you've placed that person on their schedule if you don't use your schedule.


Which of our world's oceans is the biggest?



Matt would like to increase his strength and the weight he can squat. However, when you increase the weight, he experiences knee pain. What steps and proper adjustments would you make to help Matt achieve his goals and muscle success on air squats? (5 Part answer)

1) Adjust his stance and foot placement

2) Ensure Matt is engaging his Gluteus Maximus prior to starting the positive phase

3) Remind him to press through his heels.

4) Ensure that his back is flat, and he isn’t hunching

5) Shorten his range of motion


What are the steps of Immediate Service Recovery?

  1. Apologize and ask for forgiveness: A real apology, not a fakey fake “I’m sorry if you feel that way.” (Gross)
  2. Actively Listen to the complaint with your client: turn your clients into your “customer service consultants”, letting them explain what’s gone wrong in the customer experience in the customer’s view and what you should do to fix it.
  3. Take Action: Fix the problem! Either fix the issue right there on the spot (to feel more confident about your ability to do this, review the list of complaints and suggested remedies regularly in your advanced education) or reach out to someone who can help you fix it immediately.
  4. Offer something extra: Go out of your way to offer something extra. Know what your options are – but if nothing else offer your PERSONAL help!
  5. Keep promises you make: If you say you are going to do something do it!
  6. Follow up: Follow to explain the progress and plan you have made to fix it. Follow up after fixing things as well, to show continuing concern and appreciation.

You are expected to lose 3 clients this month. What can you do to offset the negative loss?

Try to retain the clients as much as possible. Restarts and Referrals


Your client Linda says that her friends can't afford us so she hasn't told anyone about us. What is your response?

Linda, Linda, Linda, LISTEN, Linda. Everyone can afford free! Their first session is free because they know you! After that, they can decide to make it a priority if they want to, like YOU did!


What Regions do we have right now?

East Bay


San Diego S. OC

Los Angeles N. OC


Dallas Fort Worth






What does FAST stand for if a client is having a stroke?

Face Drooping

Arms weakness

Speech Slurred

Time to Call 9-1-1


What is NPS and what is are the categories on the scale?

Promoter: Happy client/raving fan/referral candidate – Gave a score of 9/10

Passive: Indifferent client/doesn’t really love our workout or hate it – gave a score of 7/8

Detractor: Unhappy/unimpressed client – gave a score of ≤6

These 3 categories comprise the: NPS or Net Promotor Score


Billy texts you on the day of his session that he was kicked by a kangaroo 2 days ago and can't make it for his session today. You do what?

Offer your sympathies, try to reschedule him, if you can't he is marked as a green - late cancel charge.


What is the exact Definition of Exericise?

Exercise is a process whereby the body performs work of a demanding nature, in accordance with muscle and joint function, in a clinically-controlled environment, within the constraints of safety, meaningfully loading the muscular structures to inroad their strength levels to stimulate a growth mechanism within minimum time.

What does NPS stand for and what are the categories for the scale?

Promoter: Happy client/raving fan/referral candidate – Gave a score of 9/10

Passive: Indifferent client/doesn’t really love our workout or hate it – gave a score of 7/8

Detractor: Unhappy/unimpressed client – gave a score of ≤6

These 3 categories comprise the: NPS or Net Promotor Score


When is the appropriate time to let someone know about their renewal? 

10 sessions for twice a week

5 sessions for once a week.