A grammatical device that comes in many different shapes and types.
The title of the book is Eats, Shoots & Leaves.
Incorrect, the word book should not be italicized, the actual name of the book should be italicized.
What time is it
Question mark needed at the end of the sentence
The question mark is NOT needed when a question is indirect.
A grammatical series of dots used to either omit parts of your writing or trail off in an intriguing manner.
"She told him (Connor) that she ran out of Halloween candy for the trick-or-treaters."
Incorrect, brackets need to be square brackets.
Connor asked What are you dressing up as for Halloween?
Needs quotation marks
Double inverted commas are used for quotations-within-quotations whereas single inverted commas are used for speech.
False, the definitions are switched.
A grammatical component that is used to connect (or separate) phrases and sentences.
Upon discovering that other people were wearing the same costume — all five of them she wanted to change her costume.
Incorrect, needs another dash after 'all five of them'
Did you sign up for the Halloween dance?
Sign up needs a hyphen between them.
Dashes are used to connect or separate individual words whereas hyphens are used to connect or separate phrases and sentences.
False, the definitions are switched.
A punctuation mark indicating delight, indignation, joy, rage, and other feelings.
"We are both being vampires for Halloween", said Connor.
Incorrect because the comma needs to be inside the quotations.
Connor said "Dr. Khan asked me, Are those your students?"
What Dr. Khan said has to have single quotations around it.
Exclamation points can be used to display irony to readers.
A grammatical component that aims to lift certain words out of the surrounding context and mark them as special.
A sign outside a restaurant reads:
"Sorry, we're closed!"
Incorrect, this phrase is not supposed to be in quotations.
Connor walked into the Halloween maze when he saw the scariest clown staring at him.
Although not needed, it adds more to this sentence if an ellipsis is added to the end.
Terminal punctuation does not always have to be inside quotes.