Why do platypuses contain a layer of water in their fur?
So they can stay buoyant and dry under water.
What was the first reason people thought the platypuses were fake?
They thought the platypus was too silly to be real.
What habitat does a platypus live in?
They live in a semi-aquatic habitat.
Do the platypus lay eggs?
True or False
What kind of insects do the platypuses capture in its bill?
They capture insects , larvae , shellfish , and worms!
Whats the second reason people thought the platypus was fake?
They thought it was a work of taxidermy!
Where do platypuses live?
They live near streams and rivers.
What kind of light do the platypuses glow under?
They glow under black lights!
What do the platypuses do with their front legs?
They propel themselves and use them to swim and catch their prey!
Why did people think the platypus was taxidermy?
Many acts of taxidermy were used when the platypus was discovered.
Where do platypuses hunt at?
The bottom of streams and rivers.
What do the adults not have?
They don't have teeth!
What is the special feature of the platypuses hind legs?
The special feature is their venom they store.
What is an example of the taxidermy used when the platypus was discovered?
The fake mermaid!
Why do platypuses dig burrows under the ground?
They dig so female platypuses can lay their eggs.
What do the platypuses sometimes ooze?
They ooze Milk!
What do the platypus use their tail for?
They use it to burrow and use it as a stabilizer.
What animal's were thought to be the platypus?
The duck and the mole!
What three places do the platypuses rest in?
They rest in the rainforests of Queensland and the Mountain areas of the Alps or Tasmania.
What is the platypuses babies name?
The name of the baby platypuses are Puggles!