In 'The Possibility of Evil', Miss Strangeworth is secretly
writing evil letters to people in town.
True or False: Miss Strangeworth had proof that all her accusations were true.
What did Miss Strangeworth always buy from Mr.Lewis on Tuesdays?
Quarter pound of tea
Miss Strangeworth uses only what to write her letters?
A dull stub of a pencil.
Who is the protagonist and the antagonist in the story?
Protagonist: Miss Strangeworth. Antagonist: The whole town.
How did Don Crane know Miss Strangeworth sent him the letter?
Harris Boy saw her drop it on the ground.
The roses symbolize: A) The importance of family. B) The beauty and danger of delicate things. C) The respect of other human beings. D) One's ability to grow despite harsh conditions.
B) The beauty and danger of delicate things.
What is the symbolism of "inside the house" and "outside the house"?
Miss Strangeworth is too faced.
How old is Miss Strangeworth?
She is 71 years old.
What is the main conflict in the story?
Miss Strangeworth trying to remove evil and solve the problems before they spread.
Describe the irony about Miss Strangeworth's character in the story.
When you find out that Miss Strangeworth is actually evil within the story and not the nice old lady people thought she was.
Why does Miss Strangeworth feel entitled to "protect" the townspeople?
Her family has been in the town for decades, and she feels like she owns it.
What do people in the town generally think of Miss Strangeworth?
As a respectable woman, honorable.
Explain why Miss Strangeworth never suspects the children of laughing or mocking. What does this prove about her opinion of herself?
She feels that because the children's parents respect her so much, they would never allow their children to mock her. This shows that she thinks highly of herself and her family. She feels that her existence is very important, and that everybody should respect her.
What happens to Miss Strangeworth that lets her know her secret is out.
Don Crane sends her a letter, and her rose bushes are all cut.
In 'The Possibility of Evil', what happens when the townspeople find out Miss Strangeworth has been writing the letters?
They cut up her prize roses.
What is the climax of the story?
When we find out that Miss Strangeworth writes the horrible letters.
What did Miss Strangeworth write to Don Crane in the letter?
She insults his daughter for her lack of movements and implies that he and his wife are not meant to have children.
'LOOK OUT AT WHAT USED TO BE YOUR ROSES.' What type of irony is this? and Why?
Situational irony. We didn't expect the evil to return on her.
What are the colors of the letters Miss Strangeworth sent to Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Harper, and Don Crane. Don Crane: Pink Mrs. Harper: Green Mrs. Foster: Blue
Don Crane: Pink Mrs. Harper: Green Mrs. Foster: Blue
What is the theme of the story?
Appearances can be deceiving.
Give 2 examples of foreshadowing from the story.
1) Throughout the story everyone was acting weird. 2) Miss Strangeworth's roses being described in great detail.
Making Inferences: Examine the last sentence of the story. How does Miss Strangeworth view her punishment? Why?
Miss Strangeworth views her punishment as cruel and unnecessary. The roses were her pride, and she cherished them. They were passed down from her ancestors, and they were a great beauty.
What mistake does Miss Strangeworth make that reveals her identity?
She drops a letter on the floor without noticing and a person (Harris Boy) finds the letter.
What is the significance of the color of the envelopes and writing paper?
Many people in the town had the same paper, so the letters could be written anonymously.