Vocabulary in Context
Nonfiction Reading
Making Inferences
Reading Fiction
This is a word that has a similar definition to another word.
What is a synonym?
TRUE OR FALSE: The things you read about in nonfiction texts are factual and based on real things that happen in the world.
What is TRUE?
These are the two things you need to make an inference.
What are details from the text and your life experience?
This is another word for the story's problem.
What is a conflict?
This "wonderful" website has articles that we read about students' "wonders," like if you can really be hypnotized, and how caramel is made.
What is Wonderopolis?
When you use this type of context clue, you are looking for the opposite meaning of the word.
What is antonym?
This is the focus or point of a nonfiction text.
What is the main idea?
You are getting ready to leave the house on a sunny morning, but your mom hands you an umbrella as you are walking out the door. This is an inference that you make abou the weather.
What is that it will rain later?
This is a lesson found in a story, or it is the author's purpose for writing.
What is a theme?
Setting, Characters, Problem, Key Events, and Solution are the five things you tell about a story when you use this strategy.
What is "The Five Finger Retelling Strategy?"

The boy was caught stealing from the store. His larceny caught up with him when the owner showed him a videotape. This is what larceny means.

What is theft?
These help to explain, describe or support main ideas.
What are supporting details?

Paul clutched the steering wheel awkwardly. The man in the passenger seat looked at him from behind his glasses and then looked back at his clipboard and made some checks. Paul attempted to pull out from the parking spot slowly, but his foot slipped, and he pressed on the gas too hard. The man scowled at Paul and made another check on his clipboard. This is what Paul is doing.

What is taking her road test?
This is something about a character that we can study to learn more about this person.
What is the character's words?


What are the character's actions?


What are the character's traits?

We read aloud a play about this demi-god, who possessed amazing strength.
Who is Hercules?

Johnny loves to talk in class, but his twin sister Natalie is reserved and taciturn. This is what taciturn means.

What is quiet?

Darren Ranch is a fantastic resort for hunters and fishermen. There are great numbers of deer, as well as bears, mountain lions, and coyotes. To the east there are streams full of trout, and there are ducks and geese. This is the main idea of the passage.

What is "Darren Ranch is a fantastic resort for hunters and fishermen"?


Brenda reached for the box of tissues. She blew her nose with a thunderous force and then tried breathing through it again. It was still clogged. She stood up and got a head rush that almost knocked her back down to the bed, but she regained her balance. We can make this inference about what is making Brenda ill.

What is "Brenda has a bad cold"?

In The Outsiders, Pony says, "I don't care about Darry. But I was still lying and I knew it. I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me." This is a trait Ponyboy is noticing about himself.

What is that he is not 100% honest with himself? 
This is a conversation between two or more characters.
What is a dialogue?

Hannah tried to justify her actions to Dani by explaining the reasons why she told Dani's secret to the entire lunch table. This is what justify means.

What is "prove to be right or reasonable"?

Do you wear glasses? Make sure your glasses fit well. The earpieces should be at eye level. Don’t try to adjust the earpieces yourself. Take your glasses for adjustments to the place you bought them. Keep your glasses in a case when you’re not wearing them. This will prevent scratches. Keep the lenses clean. A soft cloth is best for cleaning. This is where you should take your glasses for adjustments.

What is "the place where you bought them"?

When Erica entered her apartment, she noticed there were large rips in her couch and curtains. She then ran to her bedroom and saw her brother's cat patting one of her favorite shoes with its claws. "That's it!" Erica yelled. "I'm done with this." This is what we can infer from what Erica yelled.

What is Erica is going to give the cat back to her brother?

The story "The Most Dangerous Game" begins on a yacht, and the setting is described as a "dank tropical night that was palpable as it pressed its thick warm blackness in upon the yacht." This is something we notice about the setting.

What is that it is very dark?


What is that it is extremely humid?


The story we read aloud called Fox is an example of this because the characters of the Fox, Dog, and Magpie were symbols used to teach an important lesson.

What is an allegory?