Terms and Vocabulary
Scientific Method
Scientific Knowledge
A proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
What is a hypothesis
The process of obtaining information by using the senses is called a/an
What is observations
In an experiment, the one variable that is changed is called the
What is independent variable

What are the three types of scientific investigations?

Observational, comparative, and experimental.


Identify the independent and dependent variables:

A student wanted to test how the mass of a paper airplane affected the distance it would fly. Paper clips were added before each test flight. As each paper clip was added, the plane was tested to determine how far it would fly.

The number of paper clips (IV) and the distance the plane flew (DV).

a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
What is an opinion
A series of steps designed to help you solve problems and answer questions
What is the Scientific Method
In an experiment, the factor that we measure is called the
What is dependent variable

What type of investigation involves collecting qualitative and quantitative data to draw conclusions about a natural or man-made system?



Scientists based their explanations of natural events on (evidence / opinions).


is a source of knowledge acquired by means of observation or experimentation.
What is evidence
In which step of the scientific method do we want to use graphs A) analyze data B) asking questions C) make a hypothesis D) communicate results
What is analyze data
A scientist hypothesizes the the temperature at which an alligator's egg is incubated will determine whether the alligator will be male or female. The independent variable is A) the temperature B) the male alligators C) the incubator D) the gender of the alligator
What is the temperature

Nancy performs an experiment for her science class and has her friend Steve perform the same experiment. Why would she do this? 

A. Because it will get her a better grade 

B. Because she wants to see if her results were correct

C. Because she knows she did it correctly but wants to see if Steve can follow directions

B. because she wants to see if her results were correct.


In a scientific investigation, conclusions are drawn directly after _____. 

A. the hypothesis is revised 

B. results have been communicated to other scientists 

C. data have been interpreted 

D. the hypothesis has been stated

What is data have been interpreted

is any factor that can be controlled, changed, or measured in an experiment.
What is a variable
The final part; a summary of reasonable inferences is a/an A) controlled experiment B) hypothesis C) conclusion D) question
What is a conclusion
A scientist hypothesizes the the temperature at which an alligator's egg is incubated will determine whether the alligator will be male or female. The dependent variable is A) the size of the baby alligators B) the incubator C) the gender of the baby alligators D) the temperature
What is the gender of the baby alligators

Conclusion for an experiment are only valid if

a.the experiment was controlled (fair test)

c.the conclusion are based all on all available evidence

b.the conclusion are based on evidence

d.all of the above.

What is all of the above.


Nancy performs an experiment for her science class and has her friend Steve perform the same experiment. Why would she do this? 

A. Because it will get her a better grade 

B. Because she wants to see if her results were correct

C. Because she knows she did it correctly but wants to see if Steve can follow directions


B. because she wants to see if her results were correct.

in a scientific experiment is the group where the experimental procedures are performed.
What is an experimental group
A scientist who wants to study the affects of fertilizer on plants sets up an experiment. Plant A gets no fertilizer, Plant B gets 5 mg. of fertilizer each day, and Plant C gets 10mg. of fertilizer each day. Which plant is the control group. A) Plant B B) All of them C) Plant A D) Plant C
What is Plant A
All the things in an experiment that must be the same to make it fair are called A) controlled experiments B) dependent variables C) controlled variables or constants D) independent variables
What is controlled variables or constants

You asked all your classmates what their favorite food is. The answers are as follows: Pizza ---------14 Hamburgers ---6 Sushi ---------27 Pop Tarts -----25 Broccoli -------24 Which of the following graphs would best represent this data? 

a. Line graph 

b.Pie graph 

c.Scatter plot 

d.Bar graph

What is Bar graph

Thomas and Julie wanted to find out which material would insulate their teacher's coffee cup and keep the coffee hot for the longest period of time. They first wrapped her cup with bubble wrap and recorded the temperature of the coffee once every 15 minutes for 2 hours. They repeated the investigation, this time using newspaper instead of bubble wrap, but they got the same results for both materials. What could they do to make sure their results are valid? A. Repeat their experiment. B. Use tea instead of coffee. C. Use a different thermometer. D. Conduct their investigation in a colder room.
What is Repeat their experiment.