Fun Facts about the Prairies
Prairie Food and Culture
Souped up!
Prairie Wheat and Yeast Breads

What is the nickname for the prairies?

"The Breadbasket of Canada"


Most popular berry 

Saskatoon berry


What is the function of a bouquet garni?

Adds flavour: bundle of herbs usually tied with string and mainly used to prepare soup, stock, casseroles and various stews. The bouquet is cooked with the other ingredients and removed prior to consumption.


What oil has been added to bread to increase the good fat content (Omega 3)

Linseed oil


What product do the Prairies lead in world wide production?



What is the prairies largest produced crop?

Canola was the province's largest crop, which accounted for 29.7% of the province's total cropland


What are 2 advantages of making soup from scratch?

- Save money (big batch cooking)

- More flavour

- Control over ingredients

- No preservatives


What contributes to the Prairie wheat being considered higher quality?

Weather contributes to quality of wheat- springs are long and cool and summers are hot and dry 


What % Praire land is considered usable for agricultural purposes?

93% of the land is usable for agricultural purposes- flat lands and weather conditions are ideal for growing field crops 


Why did the plains people live a Nomadic life?

  • They followed the buffalo herds across the plains 

  • The Plains Peoples used the buffalo for many things - food, clothing and shelter


What is a disadvantage of making a soup broth from scratch?

- cost more because you need to buy the vegetables to extract flavour

- time consuming

- more expensive


What is Gluten?

  • The elastic substances in flour that helps give structure to a baked product


What does CANOLA stand for?

Canadian oil, low acid.


What is the general term for Indigenous peoples in the prairies?

The Plains Peoples


What other use could there be for a chicken or vegetable stock?

gravies, chili, increase filling flavour ie: chicken pot pie, increase collagen in your diet (bone broth)


Why do we let our dough rest after we've kneaded it?

After the dough is punched down it is allowed to rest so the gluten can relax.  This makes it easier to work the dough


Name the three Prairie provinces

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba


What are the main cultural influences of Prairie cooking?

Prairie cooking reflects the European influence of the Scandinavian and Germans that settled there


What are the main ingredients to make a meat broth from scratch (ie:chicken/beef)

- bones and/or meat scraps

- bouquet garni (spices)

- Mirepoix (sauteed onions, carrots, celery)

- Water


What are the functions of fat, sugar and salt in a yeast bread?

  • Fat: acts as a tenderizer and helps lubricate the dough (easier to stretch)

  • Sugar: also feeds the yeast

  • Salt:  regulates yeast action