In the first game, Who is the Night Guard? What is his name?
Mike Schmidt
What is the Nickname for SCP-173?
Leium, Byron, Jeremy, Rowan,
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Everyone is betting points to get this question right for DOUBLE PREMIUM! First gets 1500, Second gets 650, last gets 350, GO!
In Rummy, Rowan gave Jeremy what Nickname?
Three Kings Lookin' A**
In FNaF: Sister Location. Who gets scooped at the end of the game?
Micheal Afton
In Fortz, which of the following Power Ups is the most weak?
A: Dog
Which SCP is specified as 'The Old Man'?
In Rummy, Sort these players from worst to best based on their skill level:
Rowan, Byron, Tim, Jeremy
Byron, Rowan, Jeremy, Tim
During the second game, there are multiple easter eggs, one of them being seen on parts and service, this is known as...
Shadow Freddy
This power up is favored by Jeremy!
This scp wears a bird-like mask and wants to "cure" you from a long lost disease, who is this?
Which websites have Hunter and Props?
Crazy Games, Crazy Games Unblocked
Jeremy's Counter to Rowan's Nickname for him, He came up with the term known as?
In FNaF 3, The ''Phantoms' are?
Leium, Rowan, Byron, Jeremy
This scp is a massive lizard creature from another Planet, who is this?
During Prophunt, which map is THE MOST Broken?
Anytime Jeremy has the advantage on Rowan in Rummy, He says?
Whats Wrong Buddy?
In FNaF 4, Who is the animatronic that commits the Bite of 87?
False: Its Fortz!
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Everyones going double or nothing to get some points to win by answering this question CORRECTLY! First gets 2000, Second gets 1500, Last gets NOTHING!
What is the guard/crime management name of the people who control the D-Class and manage the facility?
Chaos Insurgency
Jeremy turns into what prop the most?