Outdoor Code
Leave No Trace
Tread Lightly
Green Bar
Scouting Facts

A bucket this and this tool should be kept nearby at all times when tending to an active fire.

What are water and a shovel?


The policy of departing a campsite with everything you brought in is called _______.

What is pack it in, pack it out?


This type of fishing is practiced Boy Scouts in addition to using barbless single hooks and artificial lures.

What is catch-and-release fishing?


_____ is the current Senior Patrol Leader.

Who is Carter Stone?


This is the highest rank in Scouting.

What is Eagle Scout?


This is the person in charge of tending and managing the fire.

Who is the fire warden?

Who is the fire keeper (praise the sun)?


If you find a stone arrowhead while hiking or camping, you should _____.

What is leave it where you found it?


The D in "Tread lightly"

What is "Do your part?"


Timmy is the ______ patrol leader.

What is the Dragons?


This beautiful man founded Scouting in 1910.

Who is Robert Baden-Powell?


The Outdoor Code

What is: As an American I will do my best to - be clean in my outdoor manners, be careful with fire, be considerate in the outdoors, and be conservation minded?


Cat holes should be _ to _ inches deep.

How deep is 6 to 8 inches?


This is what you should do when encountering an obstacle on a trail.

What is go over it, not around it?


Other than patrol leader, Hadi holds the position ____.

What is Quartermaster?


This knot forms a loop that will not slip. It is ideal for rescuing someone.

What is a bowline?


As part of being considerate in the outdoors, you should avoid clothing with ____ colors when on the trail.

What are bright colors?


According to the scout handbook, toilet paper should be disposed of by _____. (best method in accordance to leave no trace)

What is packing it out?


What you should study prior to visiting the area where you plan to camp or hike.

What are maps of the area and regulations in the area?


This is Lance's signature repeat-after-me song.

What is the Pizza man?


An effective tinder is cotton balls coated in _____.

What is petroleum gel?


You should be ______ feet away from the shore when camping near waterways.

What is 200 feet?


The term "durable surfaces" encompasses ___________.

What are established campsites and trails, rock, gravel, dry grasses, or snow?


This is what you should do when encountering people on horseback when hiking.

What is move to the downhill side of the trail and wait for them to pass?


This man was the Raven's patrol leader for an ungodly number of terms before Sam took over.

Who is Kellan Harger?


The 10 essentials.

What are water, a pocketknife, a first-aid kit, extra clothing, rain gear, a flashlight, trail food, matches/fire starter, sun protection, and a map and compass?