1 US$ to Rupiah
Price of Starbucks Americano
Rp38.000 (T), Rp41.000 (G), Rp43.000 (V)
Price of 1 kg of Rice
Rp 18.800
Price of large Joyko scissors
Rp 12.500
Price of 1.000 Robux in Rupiah
Price of large Indonesian Flag
~Rp 69.000
Price of Pizza hut's "1 meter pizza'
Price of Sugus candies
Price of a Sarasa gel pen
Price of Kinderjoy
Rp 13.700
The amount of Indonesia's Debt
~Rp 800 Trillion
Price of PlayStation 5
Rp 7,3 Million (digital)
Ro 8,7 Million (disc)
Price of Indomie
Rp 3.100
Price of Asturo Paint (100ml)
Rp 23.000
Price of Spotify Premium (1 year)
How much does the President get paid? (per month)
Price of plane ticket from Jakarta to Tokyo
~Rp 3.600.000
Price of Aqua waterbottle (600ml)
The experience of making friends in school
Priceless :^)
Price of a Christmas tree (Pine tree)
~Rp 1.920.000
Price of Indonesia's freedom
4,5 Billion gulden Or ~Rp 504 Trillion
Price of Labubu BlindBox
Rp999.000 - Rp1.098.300
Price of Pepsodent (Kids)
Rp 8.500
Price of Infocus Projector
~Rp 4 million
How much does it cost Ms. Ruby to go home?
~Rp 48.500