a process in which employees negotiate as a group rather than as individuals in an effort to increase their bargaining power
What is Collective Bargaining.
a group of radicals exploded a bomb, killing 7 policeman followed by gunfire that killed police and striking workers.
What is the Haymarket Riots?
organizations of workers that arose during the age of industrialization; intended to protect the interests of its members
What are labor unions?
economic and political system based on government control of businesses and property and equal distribution of wealth (Communism- extreme form pushing for the overthrow of capitalism)
What is the Socialist Party/Socialism?
an Irish-American politician and labor union leader of the Knights of Labor
Who is Terrance Powderly?
the more effective craft union that replaced KOL and grew to 3M members
What was the American Federation of Labor?
labor union leader of AFL
Who is Samuel Gompers?
8 hr work day, end of child labor, termination of the convict contract labor system, equal pay for equal work, a graduated income tax, etc. (viewed as a radical agenda).
What were the Knights of Labor's goals?
an influential union leader who was the head of the American Railway Union (ARU) and led the famed Pullman Strike;
Who is Eugene Debs?