Spanish-American War
Plessy v. Ferguson and the Jim Crow Laws
Teddy Roosevelt and the Progressive Party

Where was the fighting of this war primarily done?



Who wrote "The Jungle?"

Upton Sinclair


What was the doctrine that came from the Plessy v. Ferguson decision?

"Separate, but equal"


Who was the first president of the Progressive Party in the United States?

Theodore Roosevelt


What amendment to the Constitution gave women the right to vote?



Name one major cause of the Spanish-American War.

The explosion of the U.S.S. Maine, Yellow Journalism


What area was "The Jungle" trying to expose?

The Chicago meat packing industry and the poor working conditions


What were the Jim Crow laws?

Laws that mandated racial segregation in the South


What was the primary goal of Theodore Roosevelt's trust-busting efforts?

To break up the monopolies that had formed during the Gilded Age


Name two of the influential women of the Suffrage Movement.

Elizabeth Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Chapman Catt, Alice Paul


What was Yellow Journalism?

Sensationalized writing that relied on big, attention-grabbing headlines and colors to sell newspapers, rather than focusing on the actual facts


Define "muckraker."

Journalists in the early 20th century that worked to expose corruption and social injustices


Name one way that African-Americans were denied their right to vote.

Literacy tests, poll taxes, grandfather clause, property tests, intimidation tactics


Name one of the National Parks that Teddy Roosevelt established during his presidency.

Crater Lake, Wind Cave, Sullys Hill, Mesa Verde, Platt


Name one of the major labor organizations that were formed during the Progressive Era.

IWW, AFL, Knights of Labor


Name the four territories that the United States obtained as a result of the war.

Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Philippines 


Explain how muckraking journalism helped to solve problems in the Progressive Era.

1) a journalist (muckraker) noticed something was wrong

2) They would bring the problem to the public's attention

3) Public was outraged and lobbied to the government for change

4) Government would pass a law to solve the problem


Who was Homer Plessy? What did he do?

He was a man that was 7/8 white that wanted to challenge the laws of segregation in the South. He sat in a white's only car of a railroad and was arrested for refusing to move.


What were the three main components of Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal?

Conservation of natural resources, Corporate law, Consumer protection


Explain the difference between the philosophies of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois.

Booker T. Washington: believed in vocational training (the trades) for newly freed African-Americans, willing to start with little rights and work their way up, gradual civil rights

W.E.B. Du Bois: believed that African-American should get a more classical (traditional) education, wanted more immediate civil rights


Name one of the two journalists that were responsible for the spike in Yellow Journalism during the Progressive Era.

Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst


Name one of the two laws passed as a direct result of "The Jungle" being pubished.

The Meat Inspection Act of 1906, The Pure Food and Drug Act


What do the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution say?

13th - Ends slavery

14th - If you are born in the U.S., you are a citizen

15th - Cannot be denied the right to vote based on race


What was the Hepburn Act? What did it do?

It was an act passed in 1906 under Roosevelt that expanded the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission and gave it the power to set a maximum rate for the railroads. 


Name three of the states where women were allowed to vote before the 19th Amendment was ratified.

Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Alaska, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, Michigan, New York