Excluding one or more individuals from a group by reducing or eliminating contact with the person, usually by ignoring, shunning, or explicitly banishing them.
A set of negative group-level processes, including illusions of invulnerability, self-censorship, and pressures to conform, that occur when highly cohesive groups seek concurrence when making a decision
Feelings of self-worth that are based on evaluation of relationships with others and membership in social groups.
what is collective self-esteem?
Knowledge, expectations, conceptualizations, and other cognitive representations that members of a group have in common pertaining to the group and its members, tasks, procedures, and resources.
what is shared mental model?
The process of contrasting one’s personal qualities and outcomes, including beliefs, attitudes, values, abilities, accomplishments, and experiences, to those of other people.
what is social comparison?
The process by which members of the team combine their knowledge, skills, abilities, and other resources through a coordinated series of actions to produce an outcome.
what is teamwork?
The tendency for members of a deliberating group to move to a more extreme position, with the direction of the shift determined by the majority or average of the members’ predeliberation preferences.
what is group polarization?
The reduction of individual effort exerted when people work in groups compared with when they work alone.
what is social loafing?
Improvement in task performance that occurs when people work in the presence of other people.
what is social facilitation?
A theoretical analysis of group processes and intergroup relations that assumes groups influence their members’ self-concepts and self-esteem, particularly when individuals categorize themselves as group members and identify with the group.
what is social identity theory?
The solidarity or unity of a group resulting from the development of strong and mutual interpersonal bonds among members and group-level forces that unify the group, such as shared commitment to group goals
what is group cohesion?
a pervasive drive to form and maintain at least a minimum quantity of lasting, positive, impactful interpersonal relationships.
what is need to belong?