Emotional Challenges
Psychological Response to Injury
AT's Role in a Drug-Free Environment
Eating Disorders

Athletes having difficulty managing stress, maintaining focus, or controlling their nerves during competitions

performance anxiety


When an athlete sustains an injury, their first reaction might involve shock, disbelief, anger, or frustration.

initial reaction


Teach athletes about the risks and consequences of using PEDs or recreational drugs.

Education and Prevention


People with this have recurrent and frequent episodes of binge eating followed by forced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives or diuretics, fasting, excessive exercise, or a combination of these behaviors.

bulimia nervosa


A medical doctor who specializes in mental health. They can diagnose mental health conditions, prescribe medications, and provide therapy.



Athletes having difficulty transitioning from high school to college sports, or professionals moving to a different team, city, or country, might struggle with adapting to new environments, expectations, or team dynamics.

adjustment issues


Athletes may struggle with a fear of being hurt again, which can affect their performance and confidence.

fear of reinjury


Keep athletes under surveillance for signs of potential drug use.

Monitoring and Testing


People with this typically weigh themselves repeatedly, portion food carefully, and eat very small quantities of only certain foods.

anorexia nervosa


Who should be reported to if an athlete is using performance-enhancing drugs to maintain the integrity of the sport

anti-doping agencies


Athletes may experience exhaustion due to excessive training, competition pressure, or the demands of balancing sports and other life responsibilities, which could cause decreased performance.

burnout and overtraining


Many athletes feel their individuality and existence along with their value as a person are closely tied to their sport.

identity and self-worth


Recognize signs of substance abuse and intercede by referring the athlete to appropriate resources for evaluation and treatment.

Detection and Intervention


People with this usually maintain what is considered a healthy or normal weight while some are slightly overweight.

bulimia nervosa


Can play a crucial role in identifying and addressing substance abuse issues among athletes as well as provide initial assessment and refer athletes to specialized professionals.

Athletic trainers


Athletes under immense force from coaches, fans, or themselves might struggle with the weight of expectations, leading to performance issues and mental stress.

pressure and expectations


Athletes often go through a range of feelings following an injury, including sadness, anxiety, fear, and even depression.

emotional responses


Send athletes to a specialist and provide guidance and support through the recovery process.

Referral and Counseling


Exercising a lot and not eating enough calories can cause problems like a decrease in this that help control a girl’s monthly cycle.


When an athlete is using performance-enhancing drugs or engaging in substance abuse, it's important to approach these situations with sensitivity, maintaining the athlete's privacy and dignity. Therefore, this should be prioritized, and the focus should be on the athlete's health and well-being.



Returning to sport after an injury involves an adjustment period that requires mental preparation.

transition back to sport


Stay up-to-date with evolving anti-doping rules, regulations, and guidelines; ensure athletes adhere to the standards.

Policy Compliance


Professional that specializes in helping athletes enhance their performance, manage competition-related stress, improve motivation, and deal with issues like injury recovery or performance anxiety.

sports psychologist


Should an athlete test positive for banned substances or struggle with drug abuse, athletic trainers assist them in their recovery journey

Support and Rehabilitation