Important Dates
Mystery /Miscellaneous
Hannibal's father, a Carthanginian General in the First Punic War

Who is Hamilcar Barca?


Hannibal sent men across the river to sneak up behind and attack the camp of this tribe.

Who are the Volcae?

The reason Sicily was desired by both Rome and Carthage. (Cause of First Punic War)

What is ... Sicily's location in the middle of the Mediterranean makes it a perfect spot from which to exert control over the surrounding trade routes, making it very important?


This happened in 264 -  241 BCE.

What is the First Punic War?


What Hannibal swore always to be.

What is an enemy of Rome?


The people who came from the eastern side of the Mediterranean and settled in Carthage founding a new empire.

Who were the Phoenicians?


Hannibal waited until dark, then snuck up the mountain and took over the positions this tribe used to guard the pass through the Alps.

Who are the Allobroges?


The invasion of this city in this country was the cause of the Second Punic War.

What is Saguntum, Iberia?


218 BCE is significant for this reason.

What is...the start of the Second Punic War?


Hannibal used all of these to try to win.

What are ambushes, sneak attacks, guerrilla warfare, elephants. (also cavalry, infantry, etc.)


Hannibal's animals and soldiers faced these obstacles while trying to cross this mountain range.

What is...elephants, hunger, cold, sickness, exhaustion, low confidence and the alps?


In this battle Hannibal had men hiding up in the hills and blocking the only way out so that the Romans were squeezed between hills and water with no escape.

What is the battle of Lake Trasimene?


Hannibal left Italy to go back to Africa because of this.

What is ... Scipio was attacking Carthage with 35,000 Roman soldiers?


The peace treaty of the Second Punic War was signed in this year.

What is 201 BCE?


The nickname of the son of Publius Scipio who defeated Hannibal at Zama.

Who is Publius Africanus?


An advantage and disadvantage of Hannibal's forces.

What is...having a variety of different expert skills, like horseback riding or sling throwing while also having difficulty communicating, a lack of common customs and no real loyalty to Carthage?

In this battle, Hannibal arranges his forces so that the Romans would attack the center at which point the rest of his army could surround them in a U formation. (pincer)

What is the battle of Cannae?

Hannibal's biggest mistake.

What is...not attacking Rome immediately after the battle of Cannae when Rome's forces were at their weakest?


The Third Punic War only lasted for these three years.

What is 149 - 146 BCE?


What were Carthage's advantages as a city?

What are two harbors, high walls, access to the middle of the Mediterranean?


Hannibal's brother, who followed him from Iberia to Italy, but was killed before they could join forces.

Who is Hasdrubal Barca?


In this last battle of the Second Punic War, Romans did these two things to counter Hannibal's attacking elephants.

What is the battle of Zama, and what are blowing bugles and banging their swords on their breastplates (making noise to scare them) and leaving gaps so that the elephants would run through without harming anyone.


This use of this tool by the Romans caused the end of the First Punic War and the destruction of much of Carthage's navy.

What is a corvus? (assault bridge)


183 BCE is significant because of this.

What is the death of Hannibal?


The terms of the Second Punic War peace treaty. 

What are ....give up Iberia, dismantle the army, burn all but ten ships and pay Rome a fortune.