Worst defeat in Roman history, lost much of the Senatorial class.
Battle of Cannae
Worst war for early Rome, they almost lost it a number of times.
Second Punic War
King of the Seleucid Empire
Antiochus III
Last battle of the Second Punic War. Hannibal's only defeat.
Battle of Zama
Third Punic War
Strategy developed to fight Hannibal in Italy. Romans hate it.
Fabian Strategy
Antiochus III tries to rally the Greeks against Rome by invading and fighting a patriotic battle in a famous location. Fails.
Battle of Thermopylae 191
Philip V tries to take advantage of Rome doing poorly in the Second Punic War and attempt to fight them. Rome doesn't have time for it and gives Philip peace for now
First Macedonian War
Carthage can't pay their men after the First Punic War and the soldiers revolt.
Mercenary War
Romans battle nature and lost. Their whole fleet is sunk and 100,000 men are killed. No more corvus.
Camarina Strom
Antiochus III vs. Rome over control of Greece
Rome decides that Philip V is getting too powerful again and decide to knock him back down.
Second Macedonian War
Carthage is tired of Rome not helping them against the Numidians and try to stop Numidian raids. Fail, anger Rome.
Battle of Oroscopa
Began by two groups in Sicily. Ends with the two major powers in the Western Med fighting it out.
First Punic War