High School Resources
First Steps to College
People in Power
Graduation Requirements
If you need change classes, visit your counselor, or meet with your dean or social worker, you should report to...
What is The Learning Community (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
Your average grade for the school year
What is a grade point average?
Dingle berry
Who is TC's Principal?
Its your first day of school, and you don't have your schedule (What!?) Everyone knows where to go but you. You should go to...
What is Your Learning Community and request a copy of your schedule for your counselor
What is credits needed to graduate with a Standard Diploma?
If you are interesting in joining a sport; such as, Football, Soccer, Tennis, or Basketball, you should go to...
What is the Student Athletic Office
5 (dream school, 2 reach schools, 2 safety schools)
What is the minimum number of schools you should apply to?
Community Organization that you can talk to if you see an injustice happening at your school
What is Tenants and Workers United
Some kids posted pictures of you on social media; there goal is to offend and hurt you. Where should you go for help at school?
What is your Counselor or Social Worker for assistance OR You can visit us at Tenants and Workers United (REACH OUT FOR HELP)
What is credits needed to graduate with an Advanced Diploma?
If you are doing well in your English or Math class, you can go to this place and request a tutor; either after or before school.
What is the Math/Writing Center
Beginning of senior year is when you should...
When should you start applying for college?
If a cop stops you in school, you HAVE to talk to him/her
False: you may ask them, "Am I free to go?"
You are about to get suspended for truancy, meaning, you were absent for more than five days (!!!) You never called to report your absence, and now you are going to be suspended. Where should you go to seek assistance?
What is your Social Worker
Classes that you can take at TC that give you automatic college credit if you earn a C or more
What is Dual Enrollment?
This is where you can get free medical services if you are a high school student; such as, medication, counseling, immunization etc.
What is Teen Wellness Center
The end of junior year or/and the beginning of senior year is when you should be taking....
When are the optimal times you should take the SAT or the ACT?
Head decision maker for all ACPS schools
Who is the superintendent?
You want to get a physical at school so you can do a sport. Where should you go to get a physical?
What is The Teen Wellness Center
Credits you receive for S.O.Ls are called
What are Verified Credits?
Place where you can learn about the college application process, internships and possible careers (You may also get fee waivers for the SAT/ACT.)
What is the College and Career Center?
A high GPA, challenging classes, and leadership/extracurricular activities
What are the 3 things colleges look for?
Has power over the superintendent, their responsibility is to listen to student's concerns
What is the School Board?
A Teacher has commented about your culture; they have ignored respect, and blatantly call out all the negatives/stereotypes surrounding your community. How should you go about handling this???
( Answer Is Correct If They Mention Counselor or Social Worker, and either Teacher, Parent, Themselves) :)
A teacher can request to change your final grade, if they feel as if you have not mastered the course (either because you didn't show up a lot, or you simply have been a bad student) True or False?