The removal or reduction of certain punishments for sin, linked to a special act of penance.
The act of changing for the better.
How many theses did Martin Luther write?
What country did John Calvin spend most of his life?
Relating to a style of European art popular in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
A person who challenges existing ideas in an institution.
What years did the Great Western Schism happen?
What two churches did Martin Luther's idea split the churches into?
Catholic and Protestant
How did John Calvin learn about the reform movement?
By studying Luther's teachings
What was the purpose of the Inquisition?
To hunt down and execute heretics and false converts.
An idea or opinion
How many popes were in control during the Great Western Schism.
What is Lutheranism?
The set of religious ideas developed by Luther and Melanchthon.
What do Calvinist believe?
They believe God already knows who is going to be saved and who will go to Heaven.
What were Huguenots?
People who followed the Calvinism religion
A person who goes against the accepted teachings of a religion.
What was the name of Johannes Gutenberg's hometown?
Mainz, Germany
On what points did Martin Luther disagree with the church?
The sale of indulgences
What do Lutherans believe?
They believe that salvation is a result of God's grace and is received through faith rather than Predestination.
What was the outcome of the 30 year war?
It established the right of individual nations to govern themselves without interference from other nations.
The idea that a person's salvation has already been decided by God.
What led to the Reformation?
Disagreements about how Christians should think, act, and worship, the selling of indulgences, new ideas from humanists and reformers, invention of the printing press, increase power among European leaders.
How did rulers in the Holy Roman Empire respond to Luther's reforms?
Some supported him others did not.
How did people respond to the Reformation?
Those who supported it joined the new Protestant churches, those who didn't remained with the Catholic church.
When was the treaty of Westphalia signed?