What does James say a faith with no works is?
This Old Testament Prophet read writing on the walls and laid with a lion.
This is God's chosen from of communication with His people.
The Bible
This mystery meat is Abby's favorite food.
McDonald's Chicken Nuggets.
James uses two Old Testament Characters in 2:14-26 to illustrate faith and works. The second was Rahab, who was the first?
What is the longest book of the Bible?
This Apostle had a name change on the road to Damascus.
Jesse and Abby are about to celebrate their Anniversary on June 27th. How many years have they been married?
This is where James tells us every good and perfect gift comes from.
Above OR from God.
What is the shortest book of the Bible?
This king was the first of the nation of Israel, and he did a terrible job.
This doctrine can only be attained by trusting in Christ and giving your life to Him.
Love at first sight? How long after Jesse and Abby met did they get engaged?
5 months!
James tells us to be slow to these two things, what are they?
speak and anger
What are the four Gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
From the Greek word "ekklesia" this doctrine means an assembly of God's people.
The Church
Jesse is currently studying this Biblical language in Seminary.
What are not to be hearers only of the word but we are to be ___________.
Doers of the Word.
What are the two original languages the majority of Bible was written in? (Double points if you can name the third language)
Hebrew and Greek (Aramaic)
This Angel came to the virgin Mary to tell her she would bear a son called Jesus.
This doctrine is the understanding of how one God is manifest in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Trinity
Jesse and Abby have a pet dog and a pet hamster, what are their names?
Pistol and Oatmeal