Citing Sources
Fast Fashion

Something that's common knowledge is...

a. learned only through research

b. known by most people

c. not widely known

d. not a true fact

b. known by most people


What is a paraphrase?

a. a restatement of the information in a text

b. a persuasive argument about the information in a text

c. a genre of storytelling

d. an essay about a specific topic

a. a restatement of the information in a text


Which of the following is NOT a correct way to cite a source?

a. use the author's name

b. use the article's title

c. shout out it aloud to your teacher

d. put down the paragraph number

c. shout out it aloud to your teacher


“The fashion model left a politely written, anonymous note on the designers work desk, hoping to avoid an argument, while also bringing light to a problem.”

What does anonymous mean?

Possible answers:

nameless, unknown, unidentified, untitled


Which of the following is a negative impact on humanity?

a. labor exploitation

b. environmental destruction

c. health risks

d. high wages

Possible answers: 





True or False:

There are not usually serious consequences for plagiarism.



Which of these is not a reason why you might paraphrase a text?

a. You want to show that you understand the text. 

b. You need to include the information in a research paper. 

c. You need a one-sentence explanation of what you read. 

d. You want to remember the information for later. 

c. You need a one-sentence explanation of what you read. 


Which of the following is not a strategy used to make an inference?

a. guessing the idea the author is trying to express

b. gathering key details from the text to come to a conclusion

c. using background knowledge on the topic

d. analyzing important word choices and patterns

a. guessing the idea the author is trying to express


Read the excerpt from an article on the impacts of fast fashion.

“…exploiting underdeveloped countries and workers by demanding excessive labor among poor conditions for minimal pay.”

Which is the meaning of “exploiting” as it is used in the sentence?

a. to upset people for their actions

b. to use a person in an unfair way

c. to treat someone with respect

d. to make productive use of something

b. to use a person in an unfair way


Read the following excerpt from “How Gen Z is Fueling the Fast Fashion”.

“Researchers surveyed young Brits on their attitudes towards fast fashion. They found that 9 in 10 had bought fast fashion clothing. Despite this, 63% said they were concerned about social implications of the fast fashion industry, while 48% were concerned about environmental implications.”

The word implication has many meanings. Which word is most similar to the meaning of implication as it is used in the excerpt above?

a. suggest

b. impact

c. meaning

d. belief

b. impact


When you use an author's exact words in your paper, those words are called a...

a. source

b. citation

c. quotation

d. paraphrase

c. quotation


What should you do while reading a text that you’re going to paraphrase later?

a. cross out any words you don't know

b. ignore the main idea

c. scribble over sentences you've already read

d. look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary

d. look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary


While walking down the street, you see someone carrying a cooler, a big towel, and sunscreen. Which of the following inferences would you most likely draw?

a. This person is going to the library.

b. This person is visiting an indoor pool. 

c. This person is heading over to the fitness center.

d. This person is going to the beach.

d. This person is going to the beach.


Read the sentence from an article on the impacts of fast fashion.

“Waste and “excessive consumption” of clothing have also proved to be an issue.”

Which is the meaning of the phrase “excessive consumption” as it is used in the sentence?

a. to be fully engaged in what you're doing

b. to do away with completely

c. to purchase needlessly

d. to eat or drink in great quantity 

c. to purchase needlessly


Fast fashion refers to clothes which are...

a. inexpensive

b. produced quickly

c. not made particularly well

d. made sustainably

Possible answers:




To put a quote into your paper, you need...

a. a citation only

b. quotation marks only

c. quotation marks and a citation

d. neither quotation marks nor a citation

c. quotation marks and a citation


True or False:

A paraphrase is about the same length as the original text.



In order to avoid plagiarism, you should always _____.

a. give credit to the person who created the material you are using 

b. change a few words so it isn't technically word-for-word 

c. hope nobody checks to find out it isn't your own original work 

a. give credit to the person who created the material you are using 


“Can Fast Fashion and Sustainability be Stitched?”

When people think about environmental hazards, they often talk about things like car emissions or maybe plastics in the ocean.

Latin root “emittere” meaning “send out”. The suffix “ion” means “process” or “act of”. What does the word emission mean?

a. to discharge

b. to voice

c. to issue

d. to change

a. to discharge


It takes 12 years to recycle what H & M sells in _____.

a. 1 year

b. 2 months 

c. 5 weeks

d. 48 hours

d. 48 hours


If you plagiarize, it damages your...

a. bibliography

b. academic integrity

c. intellectual property

d. common knowledge

b. academic integrity


Which of these is plagiarism?

a. giving credit to the author of a book

b. presenting someone else's ideas as your own

c. telling your friend about a great book you just read

d. writing a short summary of a text

b. presenting someone else's ideas as your own


What does citing evidence mean?

a. determining the main idea of the text 

b. identifying the author's point of view on a topic

c. referring to parts of the text that support your idea

d. predicting what will happen next in the text

c. referring to parts of the text that support your idea


Read the sentence from “Child Labor and Other Costs of Fast Fashion”.

When it comes to shopping for clothing, wearing an item as frequently and as long as you can is the greatest, most sustainable thing you can do.

The Latin root for sustainable is “sustinere” which means to “maintain”. What does sustainable mean as it is used in the excerpt above?

a. put off

b. hold back

c. lasting

d. support

c. lasting


What is the average pay wage per hour of a factory worker making clothes in an underdeveloped country?

a. $30/hour

b. $3/hour

c. 30 cents/hour

d. $1.50/hour

c. 30 cents/hour