What time are quiet hours?
Sun-Thurs: 11pm-8an
Friday-Sat: 12am-8am
24 hour courtesy hours!
If Resident A is 18 and Resident B (his roommate) is 22, can Resident B have alcohol in his room?
Yes. Resident B has a right to possess alcohol in his room, but it should be clearly in his possession. Resident A is not allowed to touch it at any time or be in the presence of it while being drank.
How many guests are permitted in a room?
3 guests max per resident!
There is steady water leaking in the hallway but not a flood/gushing amount.
Campus Safety to dispatch facilities, also submit a work order.
What is the preferred method to attach posters and other wall hangings in a residence hall room?
Painter's tape. Other methods will cause damage and may lead to damage charges being assessed when the resident checks out.
What are the first three things you should do when addressing a policy violation?
Identify the situation/why you are there, make plan with duty partner (as applicable), knock and announce yourself as the RA.
If it smells like someone in your hall is smoking cannabis, what is the next thing you should do?
Try to pinpoint where the smell is coming from. Call PSOD. Wait, don't knock on the door and ask them if they are smoking! Once PSOD addresses the room, you will write an IR!
Where does a guest NOT have to be escorted in the residence halls?
Trick question. EVERYWHERE! Guests must be escorted at all times and locations including public areas, common areas, individual rooms and apartments. Your guest cannot be left alone at any time, not even in your room while you go to class.
You can smell cigarette smoke coming from room 202.
No one. If it is clearly cigarettes and not cannabis, you can address the situation and write an IR.
Explain what a "plain view" search is and when you might do one.
Plain view means you are only able to look at what is readily available to see without touching anything, opening drawers, or moving things out of the way. You would do a plain view search during health and safety checks, winter closing, or addressing a policy violation.
Putting yourself as a respondent in an IR is the correct way to label yourself if you are the RA responding to a situation.
No! You do not go into the involved parties section of an IR. You will be listed in the narrative, but the involved parties section are for individuals who are part of the violation/witness the violation/or affected by the violation/situation.
In order for the amnesty policy to be applied, what three steps must be taken?
1) students must call for help from some sort of university official
2) must remain with the individual(s) needing help
3) must meet with the appropriate university officials after the incident and cooperate.
What hours are considered overnight visitation?
A student is passed out in the hallway.
Campus Safety first and then PSOD
Do we offer emergency housing for illness?
It is okay to give out the PSOD number to a parent needing to get a hold of them.
I'm 22. Where in my residence hall am I allowed to drink?
I can drink in my room with the door closed. I can drink in my legal age friend's room if I am their escorted guest and their door is closed. I can't drink in the hallway, laundry room, lounge, porch or any other public area of the hall.
Are individuals under 18 able to visit and stay overnight in a resident hall?
Yes, but a request form for minor visitation must be completed if the parent or guardian is not present!
A resident tells you that there is an unknown person walking up and down the hall trying to open doors.
Campus Safety and PSOD.
Where is your rally point for a fire alarm?
What are 3 key things to know about a resident for an accurate IR to be submitted?
Name, LID, building/room number
Explain the procedure for handling an incident where you have found underage drinking.
Determine if anyone needs medical assistance. If so, call CS. Make sure you have accurately recorded the names and ID of every person in the room. Ask for them to bring out all alcohol to the center of the room. Accurately record the type and amounts of alcohol in the room. Have the resident(s) of the room dump the alcohol down the nearest drain. You should not do it, only observe them. Deal with any other issues you have found (guests not signed it, burning candle, noise), disperse group. Write IR.
What forms of IDs are accepted for guests?
- LUC ID or a Government Issued photo ID (Driver's License, State ID, Passport). There are NO exceptions!
You get a phone call from a parent upset about their student's roommate.
Refer them to your supervisor or PSOD if urgent. You should not be discussing resident matters with anyone, even parents!