Joseph Smith
The First Vision
The Restoration Proclamation
Christ's Restored Church
The Heavens Are Open

What was Joseph Smith’s role in the Restoration?

The Prophet of the Restoration


What year did Joseph Smith experience the First Vision?



Who presented the Restoration Proclamation in 2020?

President Russell M. Nelson


What is the name of the Church restored through Joseph Smith?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


What does the phrase “the heavens are open” mean?

God speaks to us today through prophets and personal revelation


In what U.S. state was Joseph Smith born?



Who appeared to Joseph Smith during the First Vision?

God the Father and Jesus Christ


What was the purpose of the Restoration Proclamation?

To commemorate the 200th anniversary of the First Vision and testify of Christ


What authority did Joseph Smith receive to organize the Church?

The Priesthood


What event from Joseph Smith’s life demonstrates that “the heavens are open”?

The First Vision


What record did Joseph Smith translate by the power of God?

The Book of Mormon


What scripture inspired Joseph Smith to pray in the Sacred Grove?

James 1:5


Why was the proclamation called a “monument of words”?

Because it was intended to be etched in the hearts of people instead of carved in stone


What scripture describes Jesus giving His apostles priesthood keys?

Matthew 16:15–19


Which hymn describes the Restoration and the heavens being open?

“The Morning Breaks” (Hymns, no. 1)


What authority was restored through Joseph Smith?

The Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood


What was Joseph Smith's question when he prayed in the Sacred Grove?

“Which church should I join?"


What phrase in the proclamation encourages us to seek personal revelation?

“Hear Him”


Name one feature of Christ’s New Testament Church that was restored through Joseph Smith.

Apostles, prophets, the priesthood, or baptism for the dead etc...


How does modern revelation support the idea that “the heavens are open”?

By providing continuing guidance to prophets and individuals today


What key events led to Joseph Smith receiving the gold plates?

Praying for forgiveness, meeting the Angel Moroni, and following instructions to prepare for four years


What did Joseph Smith learn about churches during the First Vision?

None of the churches at the time were true and he should wait for further instruction


How does the proclamation emphasize Christ’s ongoing role in the Restoration?

By highlighting that the Restoration is not complete and Christ continues to guide His Church


How is the law of consecration connected to Christ’s restored Church?

Through the restoration of tithing and instructions for sharing resources to build His kingdom.

Law of consecration: "men and women dedicate themselves completely to building up God’s kingdom and ensuring that there are “no poor among them” (Moses 7:18). They give their time, talents, and material resources to serve the Lord, His Church, and His children. For instance, we serve others, accept callings and assignments in the Church and do our best at them, and pay a full tithe and a generous fast offering. When we do what the prophets and the Holy Ghost direct us to do to build up God’s kingdom and help the needy, we are living the law of consecration."


How does the Restoration Proclamation testify that the heavens are open?

By emphasizing Christ’s ongoing guidance of His Church and the role of revelation in the Restoration